Chapter 36

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Where were u today?
Amanda's eleventh text vibrates my phone. I switch it on to silent and try to go back to sleep. It's the second day that I have bailed on school, but this time I'm actually sick. I woke up with a crazy headache and started puking. I'll leave out the gross details but I just couldn't go to school.
Ur bf wasnt in school either ;)
Does she mean Grayson? Why wasn't he in school? Should I text him? I can't text him after our "breakup," I'll just ask Amanda, she probably knows.
Do u know why he wasn't there?
I send it and receive a response in less than twenty seconds.
I thought u would know :/
I contemplate sending Grayson a text again. What if he's really sick and needs some help? What if something bad happened and he's all alone? I give in to my thoughts and send him a text.
R u alright?
I wait a few minutes and almost give up when I finally feel my phone vibrate.
I'm fine. U?
I immediately type up a response. I don't care if I seem desperate. I AM desperate.
Just a little sick :/ Y weren't u in school?
Will he even respond? Maybe he only responded the first time to hint for me to leave him alone.
G: Ethan's sick too. Maybe u both have the same thing.
B: Aw. R u taking care of him?
G: He can hardly take care of himself when he's not sick. Yeah I'm taking care of him. Making a pot of soup.
B: He's lucky. Ur a great cook.
G: U want some?
Is he offering me soup? At his house or will he bring it to me? He wants to see me?
B: I'd be lying if I said I didn't
G: I'll get u in 10, wear pajamas so we can all match.
I look down at Grayson's white t-shirt that I'm wearing along with my grey sweatpants and decide that they qualify as pajamas. I put on my pink bunny slippers then wait outside for Grayson. Less than ten minutes later he pulls up in front of the house. I hope that he's as nice in person as he was in text, and when he looks at me and smiles I decide he is. I look at his pajamas and burst out laughing when I see his white t-shirt and grey sweatpants identical to my own. He laughs with me and I bite my lip at the sound that I've been deprived of for so long.
"I've missed you," my mouth says without my mind's permission. He smiles then sighs and starts driving. It's silent for a moment and I'm afraid that this ride will be uncomfortable but he breaks the silence.
"Scale of 1-10 how sick are you, because if you and Ethan get me sick, I will get revenge." He says in a mock-serious tone.
"I'd say 6 or 7 so you may want to keep your hands to yourself," I smirk.
"So I guess me getting sick is inevitable," he glances at me and winks and I blush a dark red. His hand moves and almost lands on my thigh but he quickly pulls it back to the wheel. Baby steps. Flirting is okay, touching isn't. But he implied that there would be touching... It's just flirting, it has no guarantee. We pull up in front of his apartment and when we enter I hear a scratchy voice screaming "Love on The Brain" by Rihanna, horribly, I might add.
"He just insists on singing, even though he's sick. Not that he's any better when he's fine, but it's even more so when he's sick." Grayson says and I giggle.
"Baby, you got me like ah-ah-ah-" Grayson shuts off the music and Ethan halts then looks up at us.
"It was the best part," his scratchy voice says, then he coughs. Poor Ethan.
"You didn't touch the soup right?" Grayson asks.
"Nope just adjusted the temperature, like you said." Grayson goes into the kitchen and stirs the soup, with me following.
"What kind of soup is it?" I ask.
"Chicken soup, but the family recipe." he says.
"You'd have to teach it to me someday if it's good."
"It is good, and you would have to be part of the family." He says.
"I could marry into it." I suggest.
"I don't think Ethan's interested." He chuckles, and I lightly push his arm. He grabs my wrist lightly.
"Uh-uh no touching." He whispers then drops my hand. The brief contact left my skin tingling and I blush deeply. He returns to stirring the soup so I go back to the living room to talk to Ethan but find him sleeping on the couch. I sit on the loveseat and rest my head on the armrest and let my eyes close for a moment.

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