Chapter 8

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"It's not a big deal." Jack says for what seems like the thousandth time.

"Getting me in trouble at work is kinda a big deal, especially when it's not the first time," I reply and stare out the window. Today at work I was stocking and organizing medicine on shelves when Jack came and hugged me from behind. Instead of hugging me and then letting go like normal people would, he hugged me then lifted me up and spun me in a circle. Then, instead of spinning me in a circle then putting me down and letting me return to work, he spun me then turned me around in his arms and gave me a very heated, passionate kiss. Why can't I have a normal boyfriend who doesn't disrupt me during work?

"I think your boss just needs to chill, it was a small kiss." He shrugged while he turned onto my street to drop me off at home.

"Yeah, a small kiss that occurred a week after you were banned from the store." I roll my eyes and still refuse to make eye contact with him.

"Okay, but in my defense who puts a soda rack right in front of the entrance, and expects no one to knock it over? I'm surprised I was the first," He says as he passes my house.

"You know I live back there right?" I say even though I know he passed it on purpose.

"I'm not letting you leave upset." He replies.

"The longer I'm stuck with you, the more upset I'll get. This is my second strike. I get blamed for you knocking over the soda display and I get in trouble for today. I know I'll be over it in the morning I just don't want to be around you right now."

"Are you really overreacting like this? Stop Brielle, it's not that serious."

"So now I'm Brielle? Just bring me home."

"Stop with this bullshit, you're acting like such a brat." He turns onto the main street in town.

"Excuse me? I'm the one who's upset. I'm the one getting in trouble for your actions."

"You're acting ridiculous." He laughs.

"Stop the car." I grab onto the door handle and wait for him to brake, but he doesn't.

"Why so you can make a big scene in town square? Why don't we go out to eat or something?" Is he really just going to brush it off like that. I wouldn't have dragged it on, but then he calls me a brat and tells me I'm acting ridiculous. If he brought me straight home I probably would have been over it by now. I ignore his request and when he stops and a red light I open the car door and start walking home. He quickly makes a u-turn and drives next to me at my slow walking pace.

"Get in," he commands. He's only half serious and he's partly laughing at me.

"Honestly it's fine. Just go home," I reply. I'm exhausted and I don't want to get in the car with him.

"You know, you're cute when you're mad," he teases me.

"You're annoying when I'm mad," I refuse to look at his smug face. I'm trying really hard to not be mad at him, but I know I'll just get more frustrated if I get back in the car so I keep walking.

"Brielle, honestly this is getting annoying just get in." I can feel him starting to glare at me. Dating him at first was great but I realize that it intensely changes us. For example, if we were still just friends, we wouldn't be having this problem.

"Just go home!" I finally scream at him and make eye contact with him. This time he rolls his eyes.

"Fine bye!" He screams back and speeds off. I keep walking for a few more minutes before I just sit on a bench and put my head in my hands. The sun was already down when I left work and it's dark and quiet. The street lamp above me starts to flicker so I take it as a sign to keep walking. I'm not easily scared, but judging by how my night's going so far I think it's okay if I'm a bit superstitious. A few seconds after I returned to walking I feel a droplet of rain. Why does the world hate me? The rain becomes more intense so I run into the nearest store for coverage. When I run through the door I bump into someone and make them drop their bag. I quickly apologize, grab it and hand it to the elderly lady who I bumped into. She kindly smiles at me then exits with her bag.

Not knowing what else to do I walk through the store. It's a small convenience store with few aisles. When I reach halfway up the third aisle I notice Grayson reading the contents of some type of canned soup. He has a basket in his free hand carrying things like bread and eggs and he's dressed completely casual. He's wearing sneakers, sweatpants and a fitted t-shirt. I've never seen him look so comfortable. You can clearly see his fit torso through his shirt and he overall looks amazing. Wait, what? I don't notice that I'm staring until his head shoots up and he looks directly at me. There's no way for me to hide so I awkwardly smile at him, his eyebrows furrow at me and I realize that before I escaped from the rain I was completely soaked by it.

"Uh, hi." He says, clearly attempting to not seem concerned. I awkwardly wave back as I respond.

"Hey," we both seem hesitant to continue talking or to move closer to each other. We've hardly spoken since I started dating Jack and this is awkward.

"Are you... alright?" He asks. I was waiting for it.

"Yeah, just got caught in the rain," I try to add a laugh but it's forced and sounds unnatural. He notices the fake laugh but doesn't comment which I'm thankful for.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asks. My first instinct is to reject the offer, but honestly I would hate to walk home in this weather.

"Sure." I ask he fidgets a bit as if he didn't expect me to agree then he just looks up at me.

"Let me just checkout."

"Of course," I follow him up to the register and he buys his things. When he gets his bag he leads us to the door and points out his car before we leave. He opens the door for me and we both run for his car. I sit in the passenger seat and he quickly turns on the heat for us. We warm our soaking hands then he starts driving and I tell him where I live.

"I know the area that you live in, you probably just need to give me some directions."

"Yeah, no problem." I sit there and fidget with my hands. I hope this ride isn't awkward.

"If you don't mind me asking how'd you get caught in the rain on main street, when you live on the other side of town?" He seems curious, but not in a forceful tell-me-what-happened way. I debate on whether or not to tell the truth.

"I got in a small argument with someone, and left the car." I make it simple.

"Jack?" he questions. He doesn't sound jealous or anything, he sounds genuinely curious.

"Uh... Yeah. It was dumb. He got me in trouble at work then wouldn't bring me home," I start to rant but hesitate. Should I be telling him this?

"Oh god, work trouble? Well imagine being a teacher and having students creepily stare at you and constantly come onto you. I'm not saying it in a 'full of myself' way, I'm saying it in an 'other teachers are complaining' way," he laughs at the ridiculousness of the situation. His laugh is so intense that I laugh with him. He pulls onto my street and I start to feel dread. I like his carefree manner. I like his goofy smile and laugh. He seems like a great person to be around when he's not being creepy or rude. I point out which house is mine and he pulls up in front of it.

"Thanks. It means-" he cuts me off.

"Don't thank me for this, really it's nothing. Have a good night." He dismisses me, and I'm glad he saved me from embarrassing myself. I open the car door and approach my house. He waits until I open my front door and wave at him to pull away. That went way better than I expected.

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