Chapter 35

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I sit in my newly acquired seat at the back of class and chew on my pencil eraser. If I didn't know Grayson like how I do, I would still be so attracted to him. He looks like someone famous just stepped out of a movie and decided to teach my english class. He's been treating me like all of the other students which I hate. I want him to smirk when he looks at me, and I want to see that mischievous glint in his eyes when our eyes lock. Hopefully when I tell him that me and Brent didn't do anything he'll be able to forgive me and we can get back to our past relationship. I wait until everyone in the class leaves to stand from my desk. Grayson sits at his desk and starts doing things on the computer even though he obviously knows that I'm here. I grab my books and slowly walk up to him. He types quickly and makes concentrated looking faces. I sit at a chair next to his desk and stare at him.
"Could I help you, Ms.Jefferson?" He says in his authoritative voice, without moving his eyes from the computer screen.
"Me and Brent didn't sleep together." I say. He pauses for a moment then returns to typing.
"Okay." He responds.
"Okay?" I repeat.
"Okay." He says again.
"Are we good?" I ask, hopefully.
"Sure." he still hasn't looked at me.
"Are we... together?" I question further. He pauses and looks at me. His look is cold and I could tell I don't want to hear the answer.
"We were never together, Ms. Jefferson." He turns back to his computer and resumes typing.
"We kind of were." I whisper.
"I have work to do."
"Grayson, can we just talk? Really talk?"
"Talk about what? You got drunk and you woke up in another man's bed. You thought that you may have slept together, so something must've given you that idea. What? Were you naked in his bed? Do you have a hickey somewhere? What was it?" He asks me, his tone is becoming more aggravated and I once again wish I would just leave him alone. I've been so annoying.
"I was wearing his shirt. My clothes were on the floor. I just didn't remember. He said..." I pause. Do I really want to tell him that I threw myself at Brent? I don't want to dig myself a deeper hole than what I'm in, but I don't want him to find out another way. I'll just tell him.
"He said that I came onto him. That I took off my clothes and tried stuff. He didn't let me though. He didn't even sleep in the same bed or room with me." I rush my words. Grayson stares at me and I feel like I want to crawl into a ball and hide myself.
"Okay." He says then turns to his computer and starts typing again.
"And we kissed, but it wasn't me! I drank a lot I wasn't thinking-"
"That's the problem, Brielle, sometimes you don't think. You don't think about what something could do to you or to others. If you were smart enough to think before you drank then you wouldn't have thought you lost your virginity and you wouldn't have to be explaining yourself to me."
"I'm sorry." I try to redeem myself.
"Great." He says sarcastically. I pick at my nails and think of what to say next. There's nothing to say. I don't deserve him.
"Are you done now?" He asks me. A feeling of sadness and guilt overcomes me and I feel myself on the verge of tears for the thousandth time this week. I quickly grab my things and rush out of his room. When the door closes behind me tears start pouring down my cheek and I rush to the bathroom and lock myself into a large stall. I lean against the wall and slide down it onto the floor. I hug myself into a ball and cry into my knees until my eyes feel dry and I hear the end of the day bell ring. I grab my things again and leave the school avoiding everyone.

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