Chapter 33

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My head pounds and wakes me from my sleep. I slide over and reach for my phone, but I can't find it with my hands so I slightly open my eyes. Where am I? I sit up quickly and observe my surroundings. Brent's room. Why am I here. Why am I wearing his shirt? Where are my pants? My head pounds again and I feel nauseas. I have to get out of here. I here water sounds stop abruptly and I realize he must be in the shower. I scramble off of the bed and search the room for my clothes. I grab them and my phone and rush out of the room before he could exit the bathroom. I exit the house and search for my car then remember that Jack was the designated driver. I send him a "thanks for nothing" text then start my walk of shame back home.
It takes almost an hour but I arrive home eventually and rush for the bathroom. If anything happened I need to wash it off and pretend that it didn't. I briefly consider calling Brent, but realize that after I bailed on him this morning it probably isn't the best idea. Did we do 'it'? How could I have done that? Me and Grayson were together -in my opinion- less than a week ago. I step into the shower and make sure the water is so hot that it slightly burns and I curl into a ball on the floor and cry. I cry like a normal girl would after a breakup. I cry like I should have when he left me and every day since then. I cry like I should have been crying last night instead of losing my virginity to someone who I could hardly care less about, probably pretending he was Grayson. I just wish I remembered.
"Brielle?" Jack's voice comes through the door, and I jump up. I turn off the water and throw on a robe. Once I tie it shut I open the door and glare at him. If he would have just been responsible I would still be a virgin.
"Get out." I say then push past him to go to my room. His hand gently grabs my arm and he pushes me to turn around and face him.
"What happened?" He asks. I know if I try and talk I'll cry and I don't want to cry in front of him. I cry in front of people too much. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. He follows me but I ignore him. I start picking out the clothes that I'm gonna wear and he just stares at me.
"I thought you got a ride home and left. I tried texting you but you never responded. What happened?" He pulls me to him again.
"I don't know." I respond avoiding eye contact.
"What do you mean?" He grabs my chin and I'm forced to look into his eyes.
"I woke up in his bed. I was wearing his shirt. I-"
"Who?" His voice has an edge to it and I pull away again and rummage through my clothes. I'm no longer looking for an outfit, but just trying to seem busy.
"Brent..." I mutter.
"Did you two... do anything?" He steps closer to me and I look at him.
"I don't know." I say, honestly.
"You don't know?" He repeats my words. His interrogation of me annoys me and I step away from him.
"That's what I said. You could leave now," I point him towards the door. He stands still and he looks pale.
"Do you think... that you... did it?" He asks.
"God! I don't know!" I snap. My eyes fill with tears but I won't cry. I can't.
"I just don't know how you can't tell if you had sex! Did he put it in you? Did he force you to do something?" He's screaming now, and I realize how stupid I am. The tears come down my face and Jack's face turns red.
"He forced you?" He asks.
"No! No, I don't think so, I was just drunk I don't remember." I cover my face and my headache returns at full force. I close my eyes and hold my head in my hands. I feel Jack pull me close and hug me. His hands move slowly up and down my back soothing me. I calm down and he pushes me slightly so he could see my face. He wipes tears from below my eyes and smiles slightly at me.
"I didn't mean to upset you, I just want to know what happened. Why do you think that something could have happened?" He's much more calm now and I tell him all that I know. I was in Brent's room then next thing I know I wake up in his bed only wearing one of his shirts. Jack looks uncomfortable and determined, but he holds me and comforts me. He's silent after I explain what happened for a few moments.
"I love you. You know that right?" He says. My heart skips a beat and I stand up and face away from him.
"Jack. We can't-"
"As a friend, as whatever. I love you and I want you to know that you could tell me anything and it would never change my mind about you. You're one of- if not the most important person in my life, and I want you to trust me. I'm sorry about always snapping at you- I just... I don't want to feel like you're holding back from me." I stay silent and he seems relieved to have gotten that off of his chest. I briefly consider telling him everything. From the moment I saw Grayson on the cruise, to learning that he's my teacher, and almost to me cheating on Jack with him. But I don't say anything. Sometimes it's better to stay silent rather than break someone's heart.
"Thanks." I say and luckily he seems to like this response. I don't know how, but he does. He absorbs it and smiles a small smile at me before standing and hugging me again. Tension then grows and he lets go and looks at the door.
"I have some things to do. I'll see you later." He says and a wall has built over his eyes. I say goodbye and he leaves. He's so strange. As if by chance my phone then vibrates. It has many notifications, but one in particular stands out to me.
Can we talk?
My heart jumps out for him, and my head pounds. I should be a single cat lady. I bet I would be so happy if guys kept a distance of one mile between me and them at all times. Or maybe I'm the problem. I want to ignore the text. I want to not respond after his overreaction, but why should I keep hiding from the inevitable. I NEED him. That's dramatic to say as a highschooler just figuring out my life, but whether it's just for a year, for today, or for this moment; I NEED him. My fingers tap rapidly and I send a simple:
Less than 30 seconds later my phone vibrates and I read:
I'll be there in an hour. X

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