Chapter 19

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Hell. I'm in hell. I woke up this morning and breakfast was already prepared and board games were surrounding the livingroom. We're playing board games and guess who's here with us? Jack and Amanda.. The conversation that led to them both being here went something like this:
My mom walked into my room while I was getting dressed around 11am.
"Brielle, I understand that I overreacted yesterday. You're a young adult and you've never really done anything to lose our trust so I respect that you stood out with your boyfriend for whatever reasons."
"Mom, I-"
"I want you to not feel too trapped today so I took it upon myself to invite Amanda and Jack over. They both agreed and will be here within the hour make sure you're ready."
And then she left. Walked out of my room without another word. Within an hour Jack and Amanda walked in awkwardly and we all sat around my table and ate lunch. My mom kept up on the conversation and Jack tried to be friendly with me and Amanda tried to avoid me in a way that wasn't too obvious for my family. We all acted okay and tolerated each other for hours until my mom made it even worse for us.
"Cody, will you go upstairs for a bit so we could have some adult time." She says in a sickeningly sweet voice which makes Amanda, Jack and I's faces morph into horrified expressions.
"Henry, do you want to go grab the wine," she turns to my dad. Oh god.
"Don't you think-"
"We're all adults here, we can handle some alcohol," she says then raises her eyebrows at us in a suggestive way. Amanda and Jack both try to hold in their laughters but my face remains horrified.
"Actually mom-"
"Don't start being a chicken Brielle." My mom is peer pressuring me. Amanda giggles then jokingly whispers in my ear.
"Yeah, don't be a chicken," she whispers/yells then falls back in laughter. Jack joins her and I put my head in my hands as I finally release my laugh. My dad walks in and opens the bottle. He pours wine into glasses for all of us and my mom turns to me and Jack seriously.
"So have you guys... Done anything?" My dad and I choke on our wine from my mother's words and Jack tenses up next to me. Amanda scoffs then I wipe my mouth to get rid of the small amount of wine that flew out.
"It's just a question, you guys are smart and old enough. I don't think it's a big deal. I just thought that since she stayed over your house yesterday night that maybe you did something." Amanda and Jack both turn to me.
"You stood over his house yesterday night?" Amanda sounds incredulous. Oh. She thinks I dumped him when we woke up or something.
"You stood over my house yesterday night?" My attention turns to Jack then I notice my parents' angry glares. Shit. Shit. SHIT.
"You did stay over his house didn't you?" My dad's voice cuts into my thoughts.
"Yes." I say with uncertainty.
"Yes?" Shut up Jack. I look him right in his eyes.
"Yeah. I did." I say with almost gritted teeth.
"Brielle, do you think your parents are idiots?" Amanda practically screams while standing up.
"Alright what's going on?" My dad's voice is angry and I'm afraid to look at him. When I finally do he's standing and he looks ready to break the wine bottle in his hand. I respond before my thoughts could catch up with my mouth.
"Me and Jack broke up."
"More like you dumped him." Oh god. Shut up Amanda.
"Wait so... Where were you?" My mom finally speaks up. Everyone turns silent and looks at me.
"I was... at a friends' house."
"Whose?" I can't tell who says this, maybe all of their voices were in sync. I don't respond then I hear Jack's broken voice.
"Is there someone else?" I don't respond for a few seconds and Jack's head falls down miserably. Everyone else keeps their eyes on me and I can't handle all of their judgements. I stand up and run out the front door. I start walking and let my feet control where I go. No one follows me and when I reach my destination I'm hardly surprised to find myself standing outside of Grayson's door. I knock and there's no answer. I
feel my emotions building up so I sit against his door. I sit there for a few minutes before I hear someone clear their throat when I open my eyes Grayson's standing there with a small grocery bag and a kind smile on his face.
"Hungry?" He asks me.

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