Chapter 2

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Starting your first day as a senior in high school is supposed to be exciting. Yay, it's my last year of school. Wrong. You walk into your first class and realize holy shit, I have an entire year of school then I go to college and go to school even longer, so no your first day as a high school senior isn't great, it's not even okay. What makes it slightly better is seeing your best friend who you've hardly seen in two months. Or let me rephrase that, what makes it slightly better is walking into school half dead from waking up extra early and literally being picked up and spun in a circle by your favorite person in the entire world whom you've hardly seen.

"How's my favorite lobster?" He greets me obviously referring to my sunburn that occurred when I carelessly fell asleep on a beach.

"Yesterday: great. Today: I'm in hell." I sigh and rub my temples.

"It's your last year in this hell, and then you'll never see it again. Learn to appreciate the heartless teachers, horrible food, and most importantly: all the fake bitches that you will never see again after this year."

"Jack, a year is a long time," I practically whine.

"Bri," he mocks my whine then perks back up, "the rest of your life will be even longer, you have more important things to do than to stress over one year." The bell rings as if on queue after his pep talk and I momentarily slump my shoulders before straightening myself out, and walking to my first class with false confidence. I've gone through four hours of introductions and teacher speeches and I still have one more before I finally get to lunch. I carry my confidence but it's quickly vanishing while I walk around the school, greeting people with fake smiles, and trying to remember everyone's names.

As if the world saw that I needed a lift I walk into my E-Block English class and see Grayson. I picture my cruise ship, quick make-out session. We make brief eye-contact and both flush at the sights of each other. His face quickly morphs from remembrance to horror, and I rush to a seat at the back of the class. Does he regret it? Wait... is he a student here? I look back up at him and realize that instead of casual clothes he is dressed in semi-formal attire. He looks somewhat professional, and completely not what I would have expected. I haven't seen anyone else dressed semi-formal.

The bell rings and everyone sits down and looks up at the front of the class waiting for the teacher to talk. Grayson is still standing up there. That's so embarrassing, doesn't he know he should sit?

He still looks slightly shaken as he begins to speak, "Alright, class good evening my name is Mr. Dolan." He continues speaking but a horrified emotion takes over me just like it did for him just moments ago. He's a teacher. I'm a student.

I burst out laughing from the irony. Of all people, he's my teacher. That's hilarious. Tears spring into my eyes, and Grayson's voice cuts into my thoughts. For once, I almost forgot I was in a classroom.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm sure it's not that funny," he says obviously trying to appear professional, but in my opinion, obviously failing. I laugh even harder at his nerve to pretend he doesn't know my name.

"I beg to differ," I say in between intakes of air and chuckles. There are tears in my eyes, and my laugh just refuses to stop.

"Please keep it down back there," he says through gritted teeth. I suppress my laugh to a chuckle, attempt to close my mouth, and lock it shut with an imaginary key. He rolls his eyes and sits down and begins the attendance. He goes through the list over names and when he reaches mine he pauses then reads it out loud.

"Brielle Jefferson?" he asks as if he doesn't know me. I HATE when people use my full name.

"Present," I say while rolling my eyes. He ignores the gesture then continues with the attendance. Once he finishes, he stands up and begins to talk about today's assignment.

"Today in class we will do the very typical, and boring 'Tell me about your summer' assignment, but instead you could approach it however you'd like. You could write it as a poem, literal or abstract. You could do an essay, a creative writing piece, just whatever you'd like, as long as it relates to your summer activities."

I once again roll my eyes then mutter under my breath, " I've done some interesting things." As if he heard me, he glares at me, which I wholeheartedly return.

"Ms Jefferson please stay after class," I groan inwardly then place my head on the desk. He was so much better in the summer.

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