Twenty Seven-Campaign pains

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Opal's pov

"Opal? Opal!"

"What?" I shook my head, looking at Sugilite.

"I asked who you're gonna vote for?" I rubbed my eyes.

"I don't know, Alexandrite again?" I finished the last bite of my sandwich and put the container in my lunch bag. "You?"

"Eh. I don't think anyone's gonna run 'cept for Alexandrite and Rainbow. So, y'know..." I nodded, glancing at my phone.

"The bell's gonna ring soon. Think we should start heading to the auditorium?" I asked. Sugi shrugged, grabbing her stuff. We made our way through the virtually empty halls, arriving in the auditorium before the bell even rang.

"Opal! Opaaaaaaaaal!" In the front row of seats, Sardonyx whisper-shouted my name, waving her hand frantically. I sighed, and Sugilite and I made our way to her.

"Very subtle." I said sarcastically, sitting next to my sardonic half sister.

Huh, never noticed how correctly she was named...

"I try." She said, fluffing her bob and batting her eyelashes.

"You never cease to amaze me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"So, you runnin for president?" Sardonyx asked as the bell rang and people began filing in.

"What? Of course not. Why would I?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She has a point." Sugilite added.

"What do you mean?" I turned around to face my best friend.

"Just sayin, you have good ideas Opal. The school could really use someone like you."

"Attention! Good afternoon, students of Crystal Prep!" Headmistress Diamond spoke into the microphone, cutting me off.

"I'm just sayin..." Sugilite whispered.

"It is my honor to host the first assembly regarding student body council this year. If the three presidents from last year would join me onstage?" Alexandrite, our student body president every year, stepped onstage, and was joined by the two student body presidents from the younger grades. Yellow Diamond asked if any of them would like to run for office again, leaving Alexandrite alone on stage. She was undeniably the best president we could have.

"As always, Seniors first. Who would like to run for president against Alexandrite?"

"Ooh, me! Me!" I turned around to see Rainbow stand up in the middle of the room abd make her way to the stage. "This year, I know I'll win!" She exclaimed excitedly, hopping up and down. Somewhere in the audience, a couple of her friends cheered.

"Yes, but, you girls have been the only two candidates for the past two years. Why don't we mix it up? One more candidate!" Everyone was quiet, until my lovely and generous half sister decided to scream out her vote.

Cupping her hands around her mouth, Sardonyx screamed, "WHY NOT OPAL?" A few people seemed to agree, and by a few I mean at least everyone I'd spoken to recently. Sardonyx pushed me towards the stairs, and I was forced to go onstage.

"Yeah, sure, I'll run I guess." I offered, ignoring Rainbow's hateful glare.

"Then it's settled, let's have a real election!"

Amethyst's pov

"Did Opal just..." Pearl asked quietly.

"Announce candidacy? I'm shocked myself." Peridot said. Man, they were dorks.

"C'mon, being president can't be too hard, right?" Some blonde girl in front of us turned around.

"Um, no. Being President acquires the upmost formality, capability, and responsibility. Clearly something a mere simpleton like you can't handle." Peri growled.

"Don't you have anyone else to annoy?"

"That's your job. Right now I have an election to win. Naturally, Mother would expect me to win."

"And finally, candidates for freshmen President?" Before Missy Prissy could raise her hand, I jumped up.


Random fact of the day: Each chapter takes roughly twenty minutes to write! I usually think of what's going to happen late at night, then write the entire chapter when I publish it! So, I don't edit!

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