Forty Three-Live Audience(p1)

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Sorry about no update yesterday, I got home late.

Amethyst's pov

"Ugh, when will she be finished?" I asked, watching Yellow D. talk for like three hours about the election, until I saw that girl with the pigtails in the side hallway thing holding a sign with a nine on it.

I got up and followed her, so did Yellen and some other chick.

"And now, I'd like to present our freshmen class nominees, Yellen Diamond, Turquoise Mudar, and Amethyst Fuerta!" There were three podium things, Yellen's was the middle one and mine was on her left.

"Alright, first off we have a question. What do you plan to do for our school as President?" The spotlight shined on me.

"Uhh... more funding for sports and clubs?" It moved to Yellen.

"I plan to focus our funding on more aesthetically pleasing aspects of our campus." The spotlight switched to the other girl and Yellen hissed at me.

"Listen up you little troll, I'm going to win."

"No way." Yellow D. Asked me some more questions, and I thought I was doing okay.

Pearl's pov

"She's doing horrible!" I gasped, clenching my hair in my fists. "Her answers are informal, her grammar is a wreck, and I can clearly see her arguing with Yellen!"

"Yeah, she ain't doin so hot." Sugilite muttered.

"Well, what can you do?" Mother sighed.

"I can get backup." I texted Peridot asking her to meet me in the corridor, and quickly excused myself.

"There better be a damn good reason for this, Baroque. I was this close to beating level two hundred and fifty four on Candy Crush!"

"You play that game?" I asked skeptically.

"Blame my Mother. Anyhow, I assume you've also noticed how Amethyst is failing tremendously." I nodded.

"We need to do something."

"We can access the AV booth and decide from there what to do." Peridot lead me to a door with a sign read "AV Booth" taped to the outside, and opened it.

"Hey, you can't just waltz in here like you own the place!" A boy, the only person in the room, said.

"My name is Peridot Diamond, my mother us the headmistress and has permitted me full access to this school and thus, I can." I refused to admit it, but I was impressed.

"Oh-uh... okay. He stood up and brushed his dreadlocks behind his shoulders. I'm Marcas. But Imperial gave me the nickname Marc last year and... I guess it stuck."

"It's lovely to meet you, Marcas." I replied, but Peridot was distracted.

"Where is everyone?"

"Well, the AV club only has six members. Imperial's backstage acting as a stage hand. Lace is in the audience filming, nobody else bothered to show up," His tone became low and grouchy. "So I had to work the booth alone."

"We have no time for this, Amethyst is surely going to lost the election at this rate." Peridot said strictly.

"Woah, are you guys trying to rig the election? I think Yellen's biting just as much as the next guy, and true, if there was anyone good in my grade running for president I'd probably do the same, but still." I looked out the window and into the auditorium.

"This is the least of our problems, look!" In all the distraction and fuss, Marcas had neglected to switch the spotlight and microphones.

"Crap Crap Crap!"

"Marc? Are you there?" Imperial's voice came through a speaker, sounding concerned.

"Yeah. Sorry." Marcas moved the spotlight and switched the microphone and the debate continued as normal.

"What are you doing?" The door slammed open and Opal appeared, glaring at us.

"It was my fault, Opal. I got distracted. I'm sorry."

"I'm not talking about the lights, Marc. I'm talking about these two. Why are you up here? You can't rig this so Amethyst wins." Opal demanded.

"We're not trying to cheat!" Peridot argued. "We're trying to improve Amethyst's public speaking."

"So you're cheating."

"Yes! Wait, no! Uugh!" Peridot screamed.

"Can you guys keep it down in there? It's coming loud over the earpiece. By the way, this is the last topic. The first intermission's coming up."

"Thanks for the heads up Imperial, we've got Opal Baroque in the control room so we'll keep it together for the most part." Marcas switched over to Amethyst, whom addressed her final topic.

"Why should you guys vote for me?" Amethyst looked down and thought for a moment. "Because I'm not just another chick running for president. I'm not going to sit there and tell you lies like everyone else does. I won't call you pretty one minute then bad mouth you to all your friends and kiss your boyfriend the next. I'll tell you what I really think and forget the lies. Go Amethyst!" A few people in audience cheered, and Marcas switched to Yellen.

"You guys should totally vote for me because I'm rich, popular, and my mom's the Headmistress!" Headmistress Diamond cleared her throat.


"Okay, fine. Because I'm rich, popular, pretty, and kind!" Peridot snickered.

"Only two of those things are true."

The final candidate concluded her response, and Marcas dimmed the lights on the stage and turned on the lights in the audience.

"We will now have a two minute intermission. Please use this time to use the bathroom or buy food from the bake sale."

"Alright, let's find Amethyst and sit down." Opal said sternly.

"Will two minutes be enough time for Imperial to remove the third podium?" Peridot asked.

"We rehearsed earlier. She can take one down now, and she can add two for juniors. Imperial isn't as weak as some people think..." Marcas looked off at the stage longingly, while Opal dragged Peridot and I to the front row.

"There you guys are! What happened?" Amethyst demanded.

"We may have distracted Marcas... let's go sit." I said quietly.

"Good plan. Many people only came to watch Yellen debate and skincare about anything else, I should be able to sit with you." Peridot said.

"Damn, why do you guys always get the fun adventures?"

(A/N) I was not planning 1014 word count, sorry. Hey, if you guys can name all of the lights in a theater(or auditorium, I guess) you get a prize!

Random fact of the day: Marc's name, Marcas, is a play on the gemstone Marcasite. I head the Marc part planned, just not the rest of it.

Part two will be tomorrow... can you believe this book is behind?

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