Forty One-Fighting Back

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Amethyst's pov

"Ugh." I slouched over my desk. Math was sooo boring. Instead of listening to the teacher talk, I wondered what Pearl and Peri were doing...

"Would all Student Body President candidates please meet Headmistress Diamond on the stage."

"Hehe!" I smirked and jumped out of my chair and made my way to the stage.

"Is everybody here?" Yellow D asked, looking around. I saw Yellen and Opal and a couple more people I didn't care to recognize, so I could've cared less.

"Alright then. As you all know, youll be participating in a debate with your Opponents tomorrow night on this stage. Does anyone have any question?" Yelled stood on her toes and raised her tiny tan fingers.

"Ooh, I have a question!" Her mom sighed.

"Yellen, I've probably answered a million questions about this election from you alone. Is this something that will benefit everyone?" Yelled nodded.

"Is there a specific time set for the start of each debate? And a specific schedule?"

"Yes, actually. You'll all sit in the front row. Several members of the news team have volunteered as stage hands, and one of them will come from the wings to he you a few minutes before your debate." Yellen nodded.

"Mrs. Diamond, will we get a chance to practice the debate at all? And who's been chosen as moderator?" Opal asked.

"You'll all be dismissed from your las class ten minutes early to practice transitions. I myself will act as moderator. Any final questions?" Every body shook their heads. "All right, you nay return to class."

I followed Opal out of the room and found Sugi waiting outside.

"There's m'girls, how'd it go?" She kissed Opal and I looked away, pretending not to care.

"Eh, it was boring. Yellen asked a million questions." Opal laughed.

"She asked, like, two. What class are you supposed to be sleeping in right now?"

"Math. But I don't have to get back right away." Sugi crossed her arms.

"Ame, get yo ass back in class." She started laughing so hard she was crying.

"Ugh, fine. I don't even care about the stupid class." Opal sighed.

"How are you running for president?" I shrugged.

"Yellen said I couldn't. Pearl also Saud I couldn't. And Peridot..."

"Okay, settle down." Sugilite smiled.

"That's my Ame. Fighting back."

(A/N)Sorry for another short chappy, you can expect a couple more this weekend, although I might just focus on other stuff. Next week we'll get to the debate, which will easily be three or four parts to get us caught up to Friday.

Random fact of the day:When writing Rainbow's character, I draw inspiration for appearance from Gravity Rises Pacifica, attitude from Pearl and Rose talking to Greg, and ambiance from Rhianna's Good  Girl Gone Bad album.

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