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The end of the journey's in sight. Everything you were, will fade.

     THERE'S nothing better than not dealing with the supernatural world, and live like normal teenagers out there. This is the life Cassandra had always craved for the last few months. Shopping without having to worry there's an Alpha wandering around, reading a book in the library without having to watch a teenage boy turns into a huge lizard, spending time with her father without having to worry about someone who wants to sacrifice him, going on a date without having to fear there will be a family relation who spoil the situation along with the creatures made of bone, building a friendship without having to meet with a certain someone who want to destroy her friendship for the sake of powers from the robotic doctors. Overall, she has gained a truly soothing life in other parts of the world. 

Certainly it wasn't easy for her to go through several phases after Theo was gone, but thanks to her friends who helped her to get through it, she could throw away the melancholy feelings she felt. By friends, she means Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore and her new home school friend, Nicole Holden. She and her family moved into the house next door just a week before Cassandra and Chris returned to France. And no, she didn't tell anything about the world of supernatural to her brunette friend because she knew it would only make Nicole freak out.

The training for several months backward running smoothly, well not all of them, since she almost died and lost control again. But she doesn't know how, Isaac did something that made sense of her humanity back. He made her remember that she must defeat the Black Hound if she wants to take full control of her body. He always said if she lost that day, she will disappoint not only Allison and Victoria, but Chris, the pack, Kate, Gerard, and even Theo. And it succeeded in making her determination to fight the creature in her subconscious increasingly rising. And eventually, she managed in taking control of her body and has made the creature succumbing to her. She also decided to not repatriate her lost memories because for her it was better this way. And for some reason, Isaac became the key to her perseverance to survive.

And since Cassandra had to undergo her obligations as a student, she decided to homeschool and because she hated studying alone, she invites Isaac and Nicole to join. Luckily they want to join her, although she had to threaten Isaac first because he initially refused and said studying is not his forte. Nicole also had known Jackson, since he immediately went up the first flight to see Cassandra the day she returned here. They rather became very close after meeting each other often, especially her, Isaac and Nicole.

Speaking of their proximity, it means that anyone can casually break into her room and woke her rudely like she was sleeping like a buffalo. "Rise and shine, lazy ass!"

Groaning in frustration, she replied, "Can you just leave me alone for one freakin' day?"

"Nope. Not gonna happen." Isaac said, opening the curtains so the sun will be shining on her. "Besides, today is the day Jackson will come and we'll hang out."

"Cancel it."

He shook his head, chuckling, "You really are a true lazy ass."

"Thank you. Now you free to go." She murmured, throwing the blanket over her head and covering herself from the light.

Isaac smiled at her behavior and moved toward her, grabbing her blanket. He tugged on it, pulling it down to reveal her still dozing. He leaned in, "If you don't wake up I'm going to kiss you."

Eyes widening, she sat up abruptly and smacked him with a pillow repeatedly, "Go away, you stink."

He laughed, "But you still love me."

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