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The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate.

CASSANDRA brushed her brunette hair out of her face as she rested her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Theo stroked her hair gently as a comfortable silence engulfed between them. It was past midnight she assumed–she had no idea how long they made love but she completely lost track of time. The night also showed no signs of threat so they could entirely savor their time.

She enjoyed each moment of love that just happened between them earlier–the way their reached their climax but none of them wanted to stop just yet. Perhaps they missed each other so much that they decided to make it happen the moment their eyes locked. Despite having to do it in a cramped space, she couldn't help but smirk in amusement because they just had sex in the backseat of his car.

Upon recalling what just happened, a tint of pink found its way to her cheeks.

Theo sensed her uneasy manner and slightly glanced down at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She answered in a heartbeat. "I–I just can't believe we just did that."

Theo scoffed and chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head. "Well, get used to it. We're going to do it often from now on until forever."

Her smile instantly faltered. The brunette girl tensed at his words, recalling the event earlier this day. Her chest tightened, burying her face further into his bare chest. Forever is too long, Theo. I can't promise you I'll be here until forever. Rosalie had made it clear that she wouldn't last forever. She would have refused to believe it, but realized that day by day she became thinner and weaker, she knew it was all true.

"Cassie," He mumbled and tangled his fingers in her mess of brunette hair. "Why did you leave three months ago without telling me?"

Theo might have been holding himself to not ask that question, but his curiosity must have been overflowing inside him since earlier. Cassandra exhaled a deep breath, not knowing what to say. "I–I made mistakes to Scott, to the pack, I guess. And I couldn't face any of them, so I ran away. I know that I hurt them, especially you for leaving, but I feel like it was the best option for me at that time."

"The best for you, huh? Have you ever thought of the best for me or your friends?" Theo bitterly questioned. "I don't know, Cassie, but I know Scott must have forgiven you the day after the incident. You're too precious to him–you're literally a significant part that reminds him of Allison, of course he will forgive you in an instant. You just did one mistake while I've done a lot, but I didn't run away."

"I know–I'm an idiot to think that running away will solve all the problems." She muttered and closed her eyes, tightening the grip on his shirt. "That's the difference between you and me."

Theo then sighed and turned to his side, so now they faced each other. "Nevermind that. You just have to promise me one thing."

"Okay, what is it?"

He cupped her cheek with his hand. "Don't ever leave me again."

In a heartbeat, tears gathered in the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall. Cassandra couldn't tell him the truth, no, she's done enough to hurt him. This time she swore she won't tell a soul until everything was over and Beacon Hills finally found peace and she could go peacefully.

Instead of answering to his words, Cassandra leaned forward and pressed her lips on his. The kiss took a few seconds before she pulled away and the tip of her lips lifted upward. "I love you. Always remember that."

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