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Like the old man said, together.

THOSE days were the darkest times of my life. Pain, fear, sorrow, grief, betrayal, death it was the phase I needed to face in order to survive. Everything frightened me actually. Sometimes every morning I always wondered why should I wake up? I was extremely scared most of the time, but of course, I didn't show it on my face. Yes, feeling terrified didn't change a thing, however there were times when you just couldn't feel anything other than fear because every time you blinked you lost one person you love. But, I knew it wouldn't last forever. After all, not everything I went through was painful. You see, I'm married to the love of my life now. And I managed to finished my late twin sister's unfinished endeavor.

It was three days after Cassandra woke up and was confused as hell with her new life. But, she overcame it reliably. So far she had managed to remember every memory with Chris, Allison, Victoria, Kate, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, Jackson, Theo even Gerard in it. Everyone tried to help her to remember the rest, it did work – however, every time she recalled something she would experience a headache. They decided to let her be because if she wanted to remember, she would remember. And the moment Cassandra attended a funeral – her friend funeral apparently, memories kept flooding in her head. Gabe. Her brown eyes stared at the coffin blankly whereas her mind played thousands of scenes. She recalled their last rendezvous that ended badly and her heart instantly shattered into pieces, knowing she should have forgiven him before it was too late.

Tightening her grip on Theo's hand, Cassandra started to breathe heavily as tears gathered in her eyes. He knew this would cause painful memories to come back to her, but that's what she needed to remember actually. Deaton said that hurtful memories would trigger her to begin to recover all of her memories. And after the funeral was over, Theo took her to the park where they first met. The park had long been abandoned – rumors flew around into his ears for the past few years, saying that since the amount of creatures of the night increase, Sheriff closed this park for safety.

"What is this place?"

Theo tilted his head and smiled. "We met here long time ago."

"Ah," She responded briefly, scanning around the deserted area. "I bet this park used to be a very beautiful place."

"Damn right." He spoke, recalling all the memories he spent it here as a ghostly smile graced on his lips.

Cassandra glanced at him. "Why are we here?"

"You see, we've been through a lot, Cassie. Maybe you still haven't remembered it completely, but I'm sure you will sooner or later. From the moment we first met, I knew we wouldn't encounter any simplicity of building a relationship. You are you, and I am me. We have a lot of differences, but I think that's what attracts us to each other." Theo rambled quietly, fully facing her as he grabbed both of her hands. "And knowing anything can happen in a short period of time, even after this we could get hit by bus on the way home – I realized I couldn't waste any more time. I cannot bear the risks of losing you ever again – I want to spend my life forever with you, so I can with ease protect you from all kinds of jeopardizes." And much to her surprise, Theo pulled out a small red box and opened it to reveal a very beautiful ring. Cassandra's mouth slightly gaped as Theo gazed down at her lovingly. "Marry me."


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