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Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul.

TONIGHT was dreadfully long, and it was as if behind this beetle-browed night perfectly does not have a happy ending. Only for her. The calamity that befell her had made her to lose any spark of hope, she had never felt more lost than this–don't belong to any dimension, don't belong to be loved or to love. She didn't feel like the old Cassandra anymore–no more the happy-go-lucky attitude or the optimistic Cassandra. Tonight she was just a pure vacuous cavity ask every Gods in charge above the empyrean to take her life. Tonight she finally felt as the actual Lost Soul. She just wanted to get out of this misery–she didn't want to be left behind with the demon inside her body. So, with great loss of hope, she made up her mind. Cassandra Argent was born only to be perfectly condemned, she bitterly thought.

Cassandra parted ways with Liam, reasoning she felt something indescribably. She's been crying hysterically for about fifteen minutes in his arms, mourning over losing the love of her life for the second time. But then again, she realized that he didn't actually die, so she just wiping away her tears effortlessly and walked to where she wanted to go with a heavy heart. The wind blew the strands of her hair in the most unpolished way as she made her way to stand in front of the familiar blue jeep. It was whimsical, but her heart told her to stand here. Sometimes the heart is deceiving, Cassandra. She sighed heavily, wrapping her arms around her petite figure. Just as she was about to leave, the headlights of the jeep flashed on, causing her to jolt in surprise. And like a miracle about the water flows in a scorched land, Stiles rose up in the driver's seat.

Matching his expression, Cassandra gasped in shock. "Stiles!"

Stiles' eyes widened largely and instinctively he got out of the jeep, reaching the brunette girl to give her a tight hug. "Oh my God–"

"You're here, oh God, Stiles." She tightened the grip around his body, drowning her face on his shoulder as she sobbed. "Y–You're real. You made it out. For fucks sake, I miss you so much."

Stiles rubbed circles on her back, shushing her softly. "I miss you too, little sister. I'm really glad you're the first one to find me, though I heard Lydia's voice instead of you."

"Scott, Lydia and Malia tried to remember you to open the rift, and I think Lydia did it."

Stiles sensed that something wrong behind her voice so he pulled away gently, taking a mere five seconds to examine her facial expression. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

She faked a smile, shaking her head lightly. "Nothing. I'm just glad you made it out of there."

Knowing Stiles, if she told the truth about the plans to him, he would have ended up telling Scott and then, the True Alpha will end up interfering with everything. So without giving him time to speak again, she led him to get into the jeep and together they search for Scott. During the ride to the hospital she found herself zoning out of his chatters about how he misses Beacon Hills and the rest of its small details of the town, though in the end he truthfully declared he mostly misses Sheriff, Scott and Lydia. For now, her thoughts centered on the quest to save everyone. To save her father–her friends, literally every single person in Beacon Hills.

Once they arrived at the hospital with Stiles brought his sacred bat, Cassandra leading him to the source of their voices. It looks like Scott and Liam finally confronted Douglas and Parrish. She's not going to lie that her heart is now racing uncontrollably. Did she make the right decision? Is dealing with Douglas will end all of this mess? Is it true that a sacrifice is the answer to everything? What if it is not going to change everything? One more question her head might would explode. She told Stiles to meet them first while she was on guard at the end of the hallway two blocks from where they are, in case the Ghost Riders pay a visit.

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