1.8K 43 9

Oh shit, is it over?
Damn right it is😭

Thank you guys so much for your infinite support and love for both Treacherous and Dernier, we've been through months to get a happy ending and now we're here!

Oh God, we really made it! We reached the end of the line. Another book had completed, can you believe that?🙈

When I started to write the first book, I literally thought of the series to have a different plot twist. I was sitting in my room and thinking "I want the series to be fresh, and you know, get people to say; wowza why didn't I think of it before?"😂 That is one of the reasons why I chose the Black Hound and the Enenra as my character's superpowers. I always think women are equal to men. And I always believe a woman also can be a leader, fight like a man, strong and fearless, yet never leave their true identity that is loving, gentle and caring. That is why I created Cassandra Argent.

These two series will be my favorite works of all time because I put so much efforts in it. I knew my first book wasn't my best work, but even so I still liked it, because honestly it also became my daily reminder that I've improved in writing.

So thank you for all the votes, comments and reads, I never actually thought i would publish Teen Wolf books because I prefer reading it from others and it just blows my mind that when I published the first book you guys would actually enjoy my works despite all the wrong grammatical errors and each flaws in both books so thank you thank you thank you for all the old/future readers yall are amazing!!!


Dernier ─ Theo Raeken ²Where stories live. Discover now