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There is love inside this madness.

     EVEN only for a mere fifteen minutes, Cassandra managed to rest of her body entirely. Leaning against the cold of pillars cell and Theo's hands clutching with hers from the other side of the cell, she was finally able to sleep. However, the spectrum of Douglas and the Ghost Riders were constantly terrorizing her mind up to the point she was frightened by her own dreams. But not a moment later, a hand made its way to her body to bring herself back to reality. Her eyes fluttered open and looked up only to find Liam and Sheriff, currently gazing down at her in relief.

"God, we thought you were also taken." Liam muttered as he held out a hand to help her stand, then he gave his sweatshirt to her. Cassandra gracefully smiled at him, putting the sweatshirt in a swift motion as she looked at the Sheriff which is now more interested on Theo.

"Please, please, tell me that you brought the key card." He pleaded, grabbing the pillar of the cells.

"I also brought my gun." Sheriff responded dryly.

"And your sense of humor. That is great." Theo remarked. "But if we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills, then we need each other. Which means you need me out of this cell."

"We need to trust you." Liam butted in.

"Then you need to get realistic, because trust is not important right now." Theo retorted, clearly feeling annoyed by the two uninvited visitors. "It is us against them. And you want a lot more of us considering how many of them there are."

Liam pressed his lips into a thin line before he spoke. "I hate to say he's right but, he's kind of right."

"If I let you out and I see any behavior that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head, God won't even recognize you." Sheriff threatened, glaring at him with so much hatred.

"I'm an atheist. Fire at will." He challenged.

Liam scoffed. "Just for you know, if you do anything, tonight is the last day you can see Cassandra."

It was enough to make him not able to say anything, glaring at Liam but then his gaze softened when it landed to the brunette girl. Cassandra rubbed her arm up and down awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him. The Sheriff brought out the key card, but still looked hesitates. He almost swiped the card, but then he kept it away again.

"You're gonna need to be a bit closer than that, Sheriff. Wave it over the card reader, come on. Right here." Theo tapped the card reader. "Up and down. You can do it."

"Sheriff, we need him." Cassandra chirped in, looking at him expectantly.

But the Sheriff still didn't want to do it until it caused Theo more desperate and made a move to grab the card, unfortunately the movement has been read by him. In the distance, Cassandra heard the sound of braying horses, sharing a knowing look with Liam.

"Tell me something."

Theo arched his brow in confusion. "What? Tell you what? What are you talking about?"

"Tell me about my son. Tell me one thing about Stiles that you remember." He replied. "Just one."

Theo chuckled bitterly, looking away briefly. "You swipe that key card, I'll tell you anything you want."

"Sheriff. They are coming." Liam emphasized the words.

"One thing. Just one thing!"

When the Sheriff was about to walk away from the cell, Theo stopped him. "He was smart! Smart enough not to trust me."

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