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What am I supposed to do to save you when everyone around me doubted that you are real?

     EVERYTHING was a blur. Cassandra doesn't even remember how she could get out of the jeep, drove Lydia back to her house and went home without ending up lying in a hospital since the droplets of tears obstruct her vision last night, and the possibility of a car accident was an understandable at the time. But she survived the night, making her have to face the harsh patency that Stiles Stilinski wasn't in the same world as her anymore. And she also had to face the fact that only herself can still remember him. Every detail of the look on his face before he was taken by the Ghost Riders, the horror and despair that emanated from the connections they have, literally every single memories about him.

The morning sun began to peek out of the sidelines of the windows to illuminate the room, but she was wide awake all night. For the first time again after Theo's incident, Cassandra was afraid to sleep. Call her insane since all teenagers definitely like to sleep and will do anything to be able to sleep for days, but not her. She literally dreaded it, because it meant she had to wake up and realize that she lost one of her closest friends again and that she supposed not to let the event of last night happened. They should've just taken her instead of Stiles, she is the lost soul not him.

"So, only you can remember Stiles?" Nicole asked through the phone.

Skepticism is the most dominant feeling she felt last night after hearing the voice inside her mind. Stiles had told her that anyone who is taken by the Ghost Riders would certainly be forgotten, so why did she not affected to the effect? What makes her special? The questions were literally impeding her brain to rest, and she honestly felt like her head want to eructated all at once. Rubbing her temple, she sighed, "Yes. Everyone forgot, even Lydia. I honestly don't have any idea what to do. If I want to look out for him, I need their help, I can't do it all by myself."

Cassandra could hear a soft yawn from the other line, she felt bad for keeping her up in the middle of the night, but she didn't want to call anyone other than Nicole. She doesn't know anything about Stiles because she had never met him, it was better somehow than talking to someone who used to know him but now didn't even sure he exist.

"They must be looking for a way to remember what is missing among all of you sooner or later, probably not by naked eyes, but they definitely will find a way out. Stiles is everyone's best friend, the bonds of friendship that you guys have will not lose to some bloody bizarre supernatural creatures for granted. Trust me when I say this, Cass, you will surely find him. Or at least, one of you will."

"What should I do then?"

"Play along." Nicole suggested, pausing for a moment before she continued. "Just pretend you don't remember what happened last night as well and with that, you can find out together what is missing between all of you. And since you're not going to spend your entire day in school anymore, you can focus on finding your own ways to find Stiles in your spare time. But seriously, I'm a bit confused by the fact you aren't affected by, you know, what are they called again–the Ghost Riders. If anyone who sees them will be erased from reality, why don't you?"

Cassandra huffed, ruffling her hair swiftly. "I wish I knew."

"Unless it has something to do with the creature inside you."

The statement was caught her off guard. How could Cassandra not have thought about it before? Scratch that, how could she forget the incident a few months ago when the Black Hound clearly declared that The Wild Hunt is its Master? It began to make sense the moment when she could see the Ghost Riders but for some odd reason they didn't take her, and after that the creature said Cassandra won't forget Stiles. It was a truly high feasibility that Cassandra has a connection with the Ghost Riders because of the Black Hound.

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