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It takes a mere second for treasure to turn to trash.

HEY, Cassie. So, I made it. I'm in Quantico, Virginia, at the FBI. God, can you believe that? Maybe a few years ago it sounded surprisingly absurd, but here I am–at the freaking FBI. I'm a bit sad because you didn't have a chance to see me before I left, but I understand you need time or space from everything–I totally get that. But listen, Cass, whatever you're doing right now in France, don't worry too much about the situation at Beacon Hills–if you can, don't go back there, fly straight to New Haven–no turning back. I mean, yes you can go back there maybe to take a look at the condition of your boyfriend, but don't stay, okay? Now is the time for us to take care of our future and put the times where we deal with supernatural behind. Because our time is over.

Cassandra smiled weakly at his voice, tightening the grip on her phone. Stiles sounded immensely excited and there is no way for her to ruin it with the news that Gerard Argent commissioned her to hunt supernatural creatures down. It's still not over for me. The brunette sighed and rubbed her face tiredly, getting up from the bed and walking to the bathroom. Four hours had passed since the confrontation of a grandfather and granddaughter, but she still felt the tip of the gun pressed against her temple. It was such a shame when they should have used their time to learn more about each other, but instead ended up pointing guns at each other.

Why is my life like this?

The sound of footsteps interrupted all her thoughts, and not a moment later the door of her room burst open, revealing her friends with frantic expressions. Ah, she thought. They're still alive I see. They stopped a mile away in unison to catch a breath before Nicole became the first to embrace her tightly. She didn't know what her grandfather or his army had done to them, but she certainly was convinced that they had been lied to about her whereabouts earlier. The gravity seemed to absorb all words that have been arranged in her mind, causing her to go stiff in Nicole's arms.

Cassandra couldn't tell them the truth about Gerard's plan–she wanted to find a way out alone to solve this mess without their help because again, it is dealing with her own family. But, she knew she couldn't lie to them.

"Two big and sturdy men, dressed in all black." Nicole started softly, causing the other brunette's shoulder vibrate slightly. "They turned out to have lethal weapons and said they were hired to drive us home. An order from an Argent, they said. Is that you?"

Cassandra focused her gaze on the wall behind the boys and shook her head, eyes emitting fear and distress. "Gerard."

"I'm gonna kill that old man." Suddenly all the animosity between them vanished as Isaac growled angrily, clenching his fists and stepping forward to reach her face. Nicole pulled away from Cassandra and stepped aside to give him full access to her. "Did he hurt you?"

"No." She replied, averting her gaze to the floor. "But, he asked me to do something."

Jackson pursed his lips into a thin line and observed the youngest Argent intently. "Whatever it is you shall not do it, Cassie. We all–well, the three of us already know what kind of person he is. You've seen how he controlled me back then, turning me into a monster that I could never imagine how bestial it was."

Cassandra brought her head back up to face them, brown doe eyes exuding the brume of disconsolate and agony. Seeing that Isaac immediately embraced her and Cassandra instantly released a quiet sob. It was too much for her to bear–it was like the burden of the whole world repose on her shoulders once again. In that moment, all Cassandra could think about was how she look into their eyes when she chose to honor her family's name and begged them to understand–how things would never be the same again once she got out of this house.

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