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Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you.

     "HE didn't want to talk to you, Cass."

     Cassandra needed Isaac. She needs to apologize for everything that she told him weeks ago, saying that he was right and she was wrong. She is currently in need of comfort from him, the soothing words, the hugs and the cuddles, literally everything. She missed him a lot, and all she wanted was to hear his voice. The brunette is not going to lie that Rosalie's words had been getting into her mind, and now all her dreams slowly becoming a reality. In a matter of time, she knew she was going to explode because all of this has made her completely overwhelmed.

She slightly sniffled, momentarily closing her eyes. "P–Please, just tell him I need him, Jackson."

"I've tried it, baby girl, several times. I've told him that you were crying, but he didn't budge." She heard a sigh out of his mouth. "Just tell me what happened to you. Why do you call me in the middle of the night in a state of crying? Who hurt you? Who should I beat up?"

Cassandra's been crying all night, her feelings and thoughts were literally promiscuous. Even though Lydia and Nicole had tried to calm her down, it didn't work, because they don't understand. Isaac, Stiles, the Ghost Riders, Malia, Rosalie and now Theo, everything begird her mind to the point she wanted to tear her hair out. It feels like the whole weight of the world was on her shoulders, and she doesn't know what to do anymore. Usually in times like this Allison was the one who led her and cleaned up the mess she made, guided her to find a way out in the best and safest way, but now she had to do everything alone–through all this bitter reality alone.

"Everything is messed up. I–I shouldn't have come here, I should've listened to your words. I'm so scared, Jackson." Cassandra muttered, ruffling her hair furiously. "The Ghost Riders are still here, and it seems they're not going to leave anywhere before they get what they want. I don't know anymore, it was very complicated."

"Okay, I really don't want to say this, but I told you so." Jackson responded, chuckling a bit. "And the whole you and Isaac's break up, is that the reason why I found him in front of my house at two in the morning?"

Cassandra already knew about Isaac moved out of her house from her father and Nicole, but no one knows where he went. Knowing he was at Jackson's made her feel a bit at ease because she clearly didn't want him wandering out there alone without direction. She sighed, wiping her tears on the cheeks. "It was also quite difficult to explain. Long story short, he expressed his feelings to me, but I just can't return the feelings since you know, I'm still–"

"In love with Theo?" He finished the sentence. "Should I tell Isaac that he's back to the living world?"

"No." Cassandra answered in a heartbeat. "He didn't need to know. I don't want him to get more resentful with me."

"Okay, then." Jackson said, escaping a yawn out of his mouth. "Well, I'm not going to give you a long ass lecture about what is happening to you right now because I'm so exhausted and it's three in the morning, thanks by the way." He sarcastically remarked, making her roll her eyes playfully. "You know why the first time I met you–I never wanted my jackass attitude come to my way whenever I've got the chance to talk with you? Because you're totally different from anybody else–even Allison. You treated me the same, even when you know that I was a Kanima, there was never any fear in your eyes every single time you looked at me. You're something special in the eyes of us all, Cass. The problems that disposed to us at that time, it was never made you tremble with fear. When Lydia and Allison literally looked for a knight to protect their lives, you didn't. You weren't looking for a knight, you were looking for a sword. You always opt to fight for survival, rather than to sit still and wait to be protected. You're wearing strength and darkness equally well–God, you've always been half goddess, half hell, Cassie. You're strong, smart and you got this–because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever."

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