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  ❝I'm going to the battlefield. I won't let the town and Allison's death be wasted.

THE tension inside the house was awfully real and the serenity seemed to suffocate them. The clock on the wall ticked sharply to impregnate the restlessness in the room as the night had warned them that the time was nearing – the time when they would face the odds and fight to the last drop of blood. Cassandra had her crossbow ready and made sure that another help was also on the way. Here it was one last fight to freedom. Not a complete freedom, but enough for them to organize their lives back on track.

Theo had been called by Scott to help Liam and the others in the hospital, but somehow, he found himself hard to leave her. He had promised himself, no matter how he was going to save her. However with him being somewhere different from herself, he felt unable to do that. Theo knew something was going to happen, but he didn't want to think about it continuously because he trusted her. He believed that Cassandra could handle everything – at least he had to. A hand reached his shoulder as he turned around to find his girlfriend smiling at him.

"What are you thinking?"

Theo placed a weak smile on his lips and sneaked an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as they both stared up at the gloomy dark sky. "Our future."

Cassandra giggled. "Really? What's that all about?"

"Where do we go after this, how serious we'll bring our relationship – something like that." He gazed down at her, grinning widely. "And also, kids."

She laughed quietly. The time seemed to stop as Theo secretly admired her beauty tonight. And her angelic voice, oh how he wanted to keep hearing her voice forever. If Cassandra could read his mind right now, she might be stunned by all the scenarios playing inside. All the possibilities that would happen the moment he let go of her hands, all the worst tragedies, danced in his mind freely. Theo was immensely scared – for this was the last night he could stare into her open eyes. In a short moment of silence, Theo gently cupped her face and pressed his lips on hers.

Cassandra was taken aback by his sudden act, but gave in to the kiss eventually. Their lips moved in sync as they held each other tightly, forgetting the harsh patency for a while. And all of a sudden, another déjà vu kicked their minds. The kiss seemed to contain pain, heartbreak and a goodbye, causing both of them to refuse to end it. They've gone through a lot of obstacles in a short period of time, and all their efforts in keeping their relationship intact would be determined tonight. Either he survived or herself, whatever it was they could only hope that tonight was not the last time they meet. But, the youngest Argent knew she only had a small chance to survive.

The pair pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other. Cassandra smiled as she untied the bracelet from her wrist, wrapping it on his wrist swiftly. "Whatever happens tonight, I want you to keep going. Find the life you deserve, and never blame yourself for what had happened to me. You've made my life more alive, Theo, and that's more than enough for me."

Theo kept his eyes shut as he lowered his head down, biting his bottom lip to hold back the tears. "I love you, Cassandra Argent. And it's not because you make me happy, not because you make me feel special nor because you're the sweetest person ever... but because I just love you. And I don't need any reason for that. You were the kind of love I would live for."

"My first and last love." Cassandra admitted as she memorized everything about him, caressing his cheeks lovingly. "I love you. Always and forever."

It was an extremely painful reality, but they had to face it. The problem was they always thought they had time. They never thought that the last time was the last time. They thought there would be more. They thought they had forever, but they didn't. And ultimately their greatest fear arrived to deduce their fate. Isaac, Nicole, Cora, Hayden and Kira watched them from inside the house, finding themselves drown into the beautiful of their love story. Even Isaac who previously had feelings towards the youngest Argent admitted that they belong to each other. The pair wanted to stay that way, but they knew that the line of duty had called both of them.

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