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There'll be no more burdens to bear, I'll end this war myself.

THEY were all just kids thrown into an adult war. It wasn't supposed to happen to them – it wasn't appropriate for them to fight and sacrifice their lives for the sake of others. They were supposed to think about what faculty they should take at the university, what clothes they need to wear for tomorrow or they should be worried about homework. Instead of doing that, they had to worry about the others' safety and figured it out how to survive. Instead of papers and thick books, they came face-to-face with lethal weapons and creatures who wanted them dead. Every night turned into a night of terror and the gifted teenagers lost their time to relish a normal life.

It was started with only one bite. And chaos didn't seem to have a finish line after that.

One of the dauntless young adults managed to fight their fear until it resulted an Anuk-Ite was once again trapped inside the rotten calaboose, but unfortunately, it also had near death consequence. The atmosphere was terribly vivid exuding relief, anxiety, debility and doldrums – fear was still lurking beneath their minds, but they could care less. Right now, the True Alpha's condition worried them the most. Droplets of blood dripped from Scott's fingers and eyes as ragged breaths filled the library, trying to find any solution to help him. It was a selfless intention that brought him to this state, just like what happened to Cassandra.

"Scott, you have to heal." Derek demanded apprehensively. "If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is gonna be permanent."

"Come on, Scott. Concentrate." Stiles pleaded. "We still have to find Cassie, remember?"

"I'm trying." He breathed out, wincing in pain. "It's not working. I can't focus."

"Hey, hey, look at me. Yes, you can." Malia said as she cupped his face in between her hands. "Just concentrate."

Scott shook his head. "I can't – I can't – I can't do it."

"Yes, you can." She encouraged. "Scott, please just look at me."

Seeing that, Stiles took a few steps backwards and found his way to stand next to Lydia, naturally intertwining their hands. He knew that look on Malia's face very well, and she was probably the key to Scott's healing. Lydia noticed Stiles' gaze at the pair as she concluded. "Malia – kiss him."

The werecoyote whipped her head sharply. "What?"

"Kiss him."

Malia was reluctant about it for a mere second, but she did it eventually. The moment their lips met, each sounds around them seemed to drown into oblivion and unconsciously Scott impelled himself to grant everyone's desire. Everything was spinning as Scott felt a peculiar sensation in his body. It was like every defective vein was reconnected – the vortex of power to heal centered on his head, feeling the sinews hastily synthesized themselves to one another. And with a sudden boost, Scott finally opened his eyes as the bloodshot tint slowly seeped out of its stockade, caparisoning his eyes to be livelier.

The others breathed out in relief and the pair held each other tightly, silently releasing their fondness to each other. Derek and Stiles immediately carried Scott out of the library to meet the others outside the school, but not before Stiles bestowed his middle finger to the now stony Anuk-Ite. Once they reached outside, Jackson, Ethan even Peter guerdoned them with a group hug and not a moment later, Agent McCall, Melissa, Sheriff Stilinski, Parrish, Theo, Liam, Mason, Corey and Nolan arrived at the school as well. It was a touching reunion where they ultimately attained the end of a laborious and constrict peregrination.

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