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You need to betray your comrades in order for you to understand pain.

FRANCE was her getaway for a few weeks ahead before she prepared herself to go to New Haven for college. It was still odd to walk around the street without worrying she would lose control, since she wasn't used to being just human. Still distancing herself from the pack, Cassandra literally left without saying anything–in fact she didn't even tell Theo at all about her departure to France. Of course it would drive them mad, but Cassandra was not ready to face them–moreover she still couldn't obliterate the spectrum where she hurt Scott. Bestially.

On the other hand, she was so relieved that her friendship with Isaac was back to normal. After hearing what happened to her from Scott, he immediately returned to France and patiently waited for her to get home. He realized that he couldn't stay mad at her forever no matter how much she had hurt him. And once she stepped in, Cassandra was instantly greeted by his tight embrace. She was well aware that she was totally unfair to him–she still needed him but she always buried the feelings, acting like Theo was all she needed the most.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Isaac spoke softly.

Cassandra inhaled his familiar scent as she wrapped her arms around his broad body. "Tell me something I don't know."

"You lucky I didn't come to drag you out of Beacon Hills forcibly."

"You should have done that." The brunette replied, resting her head on his chest. "I thought I could handle everything but I was wrong."

"No, you handled it pretty well, Cass." Isaac argued and stroked her back gently. "Plus you weren't alone there."

Cassandra closed her eyes and took a deep shaky breath, tightening the embrace. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Even though he still remember vividly the day when she left him and chose to fight for the sake of their friends, he had no passion for bringing the topic up anymore. He somehow understood why she preferred to save their friends rather than stay here without doing anything.

"For everything. . .that I did to you." A tear dripped from her eyes, moistening the surface of her cheek. "I'm too selfish. I was just thinking of saving our friends, but never once did I think of your feelings when I decided to leave France. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, I'm sorry for not listening to you, I'm sorr–"

Isaac pulled away and held her shoulders firmly, staring down at her intently. "Stop saying sorry for the mistakes you didn't make. You did everything for the sake of the people you care about. Don't you dare put my feelings first and put the safety of yourself, your dad and our friends second, you get me Cassandra?"

For a mere second they only stared at each other, releasing silently their yearning to each other. Not a moment later, she escaped a breathless laugh, wiping the tears with her sleeve. "You sound just like Allison."

"Well, that's a good thing, right? So you better listen to me after this." He pulled out a serious face, but then poked the tip of her nose playfully. "Okay, we've been standing for quite a while here and I mentally waiting for your dad to break us apart from our lovers-like hugs, but then again where is he?"

Cassandra then kicked the front door shut and dragged her suitcase to her room, passing by the bewilderment Isaac. "He decided to stay in California for some time, doing his business."

"What about Nicole?" Isaac questioned, following her like a lost puppy.

She stopped abruptly on her tracks and turned to him in an instant, narrowing her eyes fiercely. "I should've killed you for letting her catch up with me, oh my God, Isaac! You have no idea what she has gone through in Beacon Hills!"

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