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And suddenly everything started to feel like nothing and nothing started to feel like everything.

     SLEEP is something that Cassandra truly needs at the moment, ever since she came back to Beacon Hills she hadn't visited the world of dreams at all. The problems that kept coming to her and her friends, making her arduous to find time to rest her entire body and mind. She didn't know what else is in her plate in the future, is everything going to be worse than now or her and her friends can finish every problems more rapid than they thought? That's the million dollars question, obviously. Cassandra stared blankly at her reflection in the mirror, and couldn't help but cringe. The bags under her eyes extremely getting darker and darker, her pearl white healthy skin changed completely pale, probably right now she's the palest of the palest.

Cassandra had not spoken to Malia again since their petty squabbles last night. The reason why she was mad at the youngest Argent immensely clear, she blamed her for Stiles' departure. Stiles is Malia's human anchor, and he was taken by the Ghost Riders also part of her failure for not being able to prevent it from happening. If she were in her shoes, she would have felt the same way because yes, it is unfair when everyone is taken but she didn't.

Cassandra washed her face before leaving the bathroom and was about to get ready to meet Scott and Lydia, but the knock on the front door intercept her to do it. Part of her hoped that it was her father or Isaac or even Jackson because frankly she just wants to get back to her normal life, like she had lived the past three months. But, God, she was deadly wrong. The moment when she opened the door and saw her visitor, she was sure her blood will be depleted due to the burden she had to bear. Another soul she should protect at all cost.

"I know you don't want me here and I'm well aware that some bizarre poaching is going on in this town," Nicole hurriedly stepped into the house. "But I just can't explain what I've found over the phone."

Groaning loudly, Cassandra slammed the door close and spoke. "By coming here just the same as a suicide, Nic."

"I know I'm sorry, okay? But I have some important information that you definitely want to hear."

"You came just for that?"

Nicole scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I know I'm a good friend."

Maybe if Cassandra could redefine the meaning of insanity, she could be condemned Nicole as the new definition of insanity. Nicole is the most reckless person she had ever encountered, other than herself. Even though Cassandra has clearly claimed that there are supernatural forces that assailed this town, Nicole still chose to come in order to help her. At this point Cassandra literally wanted to kill Isaac and Jackson because they didn't forbid her to leave France.

"With whom did you come here?" Cassandra asked, leading to her room.

"Your dad–"

She cut her off instantly, "My dad?!"

"Geez, chill girl." Nicole told her in annoyance. "Your dad was the one who asked me to come ever since he heard the news about the murder with a whimsical motive–it was so horrible I may add, but right now he went straight to Melissa McCall's house, so here I am in your house alone."

"God, you and my dad are literally the same." She rubbed her face tiredly as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Straight to the point, what do you got?"

"Okay," Nicole fiddled her bag first before taking out an ancient book. "I found this book in the classic library in Paris so I decided to borrow it, but I guess I don't want to return it." She shrugged and opened the book, stopping at the page that she presumes explained Cassandra's situation right now.

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