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You can't find love in the same place you lost it.

     CASSANDRA never thought that the ghost town literally exists in the planet that has billions of population, not until she set foot in Canaan. The dried leaves filled the streets and the houses, the cars without the owner strewn around, all the street lights had been defective, absolutely no sign of life here. Her head was thrown side to side, trying to find any clue since Stiles told her yesterday to come here for whatever reason. And apparently, Stiles managed to reach her two best friends right after the astral projection has ended, causing him told them to come to Canaan as well.

Much to the brunette confusion, her feelings were in disarray ever since she woke up this morning, as if she sensed something was going to happen beyond her expectation. The spectrum of Theo's face suddenly popped out of nowhere in her mind several times, confusing her even more. She told Nicole to stay in her father's side while she was gone, just in case the Ghost Riders come back to take people again.

The foursome split up to search for anything important. She had no idea what she had to search to be honest, seeing that this town has been abandoned since thirty years ago. It was impossible to get clue from a vacuous town and much to their disappointment, Scott and Malia only got hallucinations that make them a bit frightened. They had almost given up and left the town, but a kid stopping their intentions. Chasing after him, they eventually ended up in a house that is still completely livable.

"Visitors? I can't believe we have visitors." A voice startled the four of them as a woman started to walk towards them, a creep grin replacing her entire shock expression earlier. "Oh, Caleb will be so happy to see you. It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with."

Cassandra found the aerial of the house a bit gawky, slightly observing the whole house as she landed her brown irises to a shed outside the house. An urge to check the shed suddenly presented itself inside her mind, as though the place was stashed an answer, either to stop this psychosis or her fate.

"Oh, you must be thirsty." The woman said as she motioned them to follow her. "Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink."

"Seriously? What is it with her?" Malia protested, staring at the back of the woman warily.

The strawberry blonde sighed, starting to follow the woman. "She's the woman I saw in the mirror."

Cassandra didn't move for a moment as she just stared at the shed through the window, causing Scott to stop in the middle of his steps when he noticed the youngest Argent still glued on her spot. Frowning in the process, Scott approached her. "Hey, you okay?"

It took a mere five seconds for her snapped out of it before she threw an apologetic smile, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Just tell me if something bother you, okay?" He said as he led her to the dining room, taking her hand to make sure she wasn't musing again.

Cassandra just nodded in response and sat next to each other with Scott, waiting for the woman to come back. It didn't surprise her anymore if Malia still avoided her, they still have problems to understand that they actually need one another. Scott noticed the look on her face and without having to ask, he knew that she was thinking about her and Malia's friendship. It pained him to see them ignore each other at a time like this, when they're supposed to protect each other instead of throwing a disgust look to each other. To comfort her, Scott squeezed her hand and gave her a warm smile. Not a moment later, the woman returned with four glass of lemonade.

"This was my mother's lemonade recipe." She placed the lemonades on the table, sitting down. "At least as much as I can remember. We always served this when we had friends to visit."

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