Chapter 3: Sky Lilath, watch your language. || Picture of Louis on the side ||

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Chapter 3: Sky Lilath, watch your language.

Picture of Louis on the side >>>

Recap; I looked around the store seeing several faces, but froze once I saw a tall hansom guy he had messy chestnut hair and a beanie. His bum was definitely a sight and I couldn't help but wonder who it was, that's when they turned around and my shock grew it was...Louis? Except he was less nerdy and actually really attractive.

"Louis?" The words fell from my mouth before my brain could actually process. Louis' eyes immediately met mine and he gave me a soft smile.

★★★★Sky's POV★★★★

"Uh...Hey." He softly smiled while giving me a small wave. Wow, Louis looked so---delicious?--with tattoos and piercings in. Sure, he looked cute with the whole geeky thing going on, but looking at him now made me feel like I was going to melt into a muddle at any second now.

He laughed loudly while cockily smiling.

"Did I- did I-erm- just say that out loud?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow said. "Yeah, you did, actually." He chuckled while handing the cashier his money. Fuck, I could just die right now from embarrassment, ugh, I'm such a fucking idiot.

"You're not an idiot." Of course I said that at loud too. God, kill me now.

"Next!" The cashier called "Um...I'll have a Carmel Crunch Ribbon Frappuccino." Then I handed her 10 bucks. "Just keep the change." I sighed. "Okay." She smiled while handing me my recite. "Have a good day." She spoke the same thing almost every employee does. "Mhm, you too." I mumbled.

"Wanna sit with me." Louis called from his table making me sigh. "Sure." I called before walking over and taking a seat beside. "Hey." He smirked.

"Erm-hi." I smiled awkwardly as I figured with the plastic cup in my hand. "Why so nervous? I mean you're just talking to a delicious guy with tattoos and piercings." He smirked while playfully winking. "Ugh." I groaned while sinking into my chair as my cheeks heated up. This is so embarrassing and for once I didn't have a comeback, I always have a fucking comeback!

"Aww, you look cute when you blush." He taunted. "Shut up you-you twat?" My words came out as more of a question making him shake his head as laughter fell from his mouth. He had a- nice?- laugh. It sounded very angelic in contrast to the badass look he currently had. "Twat? Really? I thought maybe you would have a better comeback bad girl?" He winked and oddly found myself even more flustered.

"Shut up." I mumbled before quickly bringing the green straw to my mouth and sucking on my Carmel drink. "Make me." Louis taunted while sticking his tongue out. I just rolled my eyes. "That's what I though." He chuckled making me glare at him.

Why is it that I find him so frustrating yet, adorable at the same time? Damn my stupid hormones. "Anyways, how many tattoos do you have?" I changed the topic not so subtly making him chuckle, but answer anyways. "26, but I'm thinking about getting another one soon." I nodded, but stayed silent. That's a lot of tattoos.

"What about you?" Louis questioned. "I- erm- I have 5." I smiled softly. "Really?" He asked smiling. "Mhm." I nod. "Where all are they at?" He asked curiously.

"I have one on each wrist." I spoke while holding up my wrist to reveal my left one said 'Stay Strong' with a small heart and my right one had a tiny cross. "One on my shoulder blade." I spoke as I lightly pulled down the back of my shirt to reveal a dove. "I have one on the back of my neck." I removed my hair from my neck to reveal another cross, but it had a lot more detail. "And than I have one on that I'm not comfortable showing." I smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I understand." Louis returned a reassuring smile. "What about you Mr. Secret Bad Boy, show me some of yours." I smirked making him chuckled. "Okay." He smiled before showing me several tattoos on his body that were quite fascinating. "So, what tattoo are you planning on getting next?" I couldn't help, but ask after he showed me a dove tattoo that he had.

"Well, I'm dating this amazing girl, and, I wanted to get something that reminds me of her. I'm not sure what though." He shyly smiled and I return it even though I couldn't deny my disappointment. "Really?" I softly smiled. "What's she like?" I questioned. "She's just perfect, beyond perfect actually. She has this amazing personality and every time I talk to her I just light up. She's beyond the best thing that's ever happened to me." I couldn't help but notice this glint in his eyes as he talked about this mystery girl and I automatically knew that he was infatuated with her.

My mind automatically went to my mystery guy. Did he get that glint in his eyes when he talked about me? Did he grin as widely as Louis did while talking about this girl? If only I could see him, I could touch him, hold him. "Wow, she sounds wonderful." I smiled. "She is, she really is." Louis grinned. "So, who are you dating?" He asked.

"Well, as crazy as it may seem I don't know his name, but I do know that I have deep feelings for him. He has such a humorous and loud personality and every time I talk to him this smile appears on my face and it's like nothing can make me sad. He's everything to me." I grin as I think about the guy I've never even met. "That's not crazy and he sound great, too." He smiled.

"He is, honestly." I smiled. There was a comfortable silence before Louis broke it, "Uh, if you don't mind me asking, what- er- what happened to your cheek?" I immediately froze and began to panic. "Uh-er- nothing. I-I have to go, but it was nice talking to you." I hurriedly stood up and pushed my chair in before I began to rush off. "Wait!" He loudly called after me, but I ignored him as I rushed out of the store as fast as I could without taking a second look back.


I parked in my driveway and to my relief Brian's car was no longer there. I quickly hopped off my bike and crept into my house, hoping that I didn't wake mum up. I glanced over at the couch to see mum was gone making me raise an eyebrow, but shrugged it. She's probably in bed. I walked into the kitchen and my eyes became wide for the millionth time today. There Louis was sitting at my dinner table.

"What the fu-" I began, but my mum cut me off, "Sky Lilath, watch your language." Mum screeched and to my surprise she was sober for once, wow. "What's Louis doing here?" I ignored her comment.

"Oh you know Louis?" She questioned. I nodded while giving her a 'duh' look. "Oh, well, his family's here for dinner." She softly smiled. What the fuck? Mum never cooked...Or smiled. "So, does Louis live in the neighborhood or?"

"Yep right next to us." Great. "Oh, well I'll be upstairs." I hurried upstairs to see if he was on, when I got to my bedroom and got out my lap top to check, he wasn't.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading!!! I can't believe we actually have 55 reads!!! I know its not very much but it means a lot to us!!! We'll try to update for you guys as much as possible just please bare with us. Please Comment, vote, and, follow...The more people do those things the more we update!!! Love you guys! -XOXO Sharry<3

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