Chapter 10 : Am I interupting something?

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Chapter 10: Am I interrupting something?

★★★★Sky's POV★★★★

My eyes slowly fluttered open making the bright lighting from my window shine into the room I was in. I groaned and buried my head into Louis' chest already knowing he was there due to his heavenly smell and soft grip on me. Louis shifted a bit making me glance up at him with squinted eyes since my eyes still hadn't adjusted.

I couldn't help my wide grin as I saw Louis in a peaceful sleep with his eyes lightly shut and his mouth slightly agape as soft snores fell from his luscious lips. God, Louis was so---cute and childlike when he slept. I couldn't help it as I brought my hand up to face and began to lightly run my fingers over the small amount of stubble on his chin.

Louis began to lean into my hand while letting out a soft sigh. Aww. I went to move my hand away and was surprised when Louis quickly grasped my hand and moved it back to where it was. "Don't stop." He whispered with his eyes still shut. I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.

"Okay." I whispered as I continued. I pressed a quick kiss to his other cheek while smiling widely. "Sleep well?" I questioned. "Mhm." Louis mumbled and I could tell he was still pretty out of it. "You?" He quietly mumbled. "I slept pretty good." I smiled while moving my hand down from his cheek and brought it down to his chest where it rested securely at.

"Good." He spoke as a lazy smiled showed up on his face. His grip around me tightened slightly before he let go with one hand and picked up a strand of my hair, twirling it around his finger. My eyes moved away from his fingers and back up at his face to see him already starring intently at me with a large smile. "What?" I questioned with a soft giggle.

"Nothing." He whispered. "I just love you so fucking much." He smiled and I did the same. "I love you, too." I replied before placing my hand back on his cheek as I softly kissed him. Louis let go of my hair and put both of his hands on my waist as he licked my lip asking for entrance, which I granted. The kiss sent the familiar sparks through my body and I couldn't even bare to fight the smile, even if I wanted to.

Louis flipped me over so that he was laying above me as my hands reached into his hair, lightly tugging him closer as the kiss deepened. Louis hands found their way to my bum and lightly squeezed making me squeal loudly into the kiss while he lightly chuckled. I loved how even though we were making out we were still being our weird, playful selfs.

His hands slowly made their way from my ass and to my shirt where they snaked their way under and lightly ran up my abdomen making goose bumps form. Once Louis' skillful hands began to kneed my breast he moved his lips away from mine and brought them my neck as he began to lightly suck. I couldn't help the pleasures moans that left my throat at the euphoric feeling of him sexually touching me and I automatically wanted more.

I used all of my will power to quickly flip us around so that I was now straddling his lap. Louis gave me a confused look, which I returned with a mischievous smirk before my hand reached down and palmed the already hard bulge making a pleasures growl fall from his mouth. I giggled before pressing my lips to his neck and began to suck making more growls fall from his mouth. I began to move further and further down until his shirt got in the way.

I quickly removed it with the help of Louis before I sucked and licked further and further down, listening to his soft moans. Damn, just the sound of his moans make me go insane. Soon I made it to his V-line where I pressed a soft kiss before I quickly unbuttoned his jeans. "Shit! Am I interrupting something?!?!" A shocked Liam exclaimed making me quickly jump off of Louis and to the complete other side of the bed while Louis just groaned and cursed under his breath in frustration.

"No." Came out of my mouth at the same time "Yes" came out of Louis' making me scowl at him. "S-Sorry." Liam stuttered. "I-Uh-It's just that-erm-Everyone wanted to know if you guys were up to going to breakfast, but-I-I can just go ahead and tell you don't feel like going." Liam started to turn around, but before he could I called after him, "No, don't. We'll be down in a few minutes." I spoke making him nod before he scurried away.

"Fuck." Louis grumbled as he threw his head back in frustration while I just rolled my eyes.


"I really fucking hate you guys right now." Louis sassily barked once we made it to the end of the stairs where everyone was waiting. I just rolled my eyes. "And why exactly is that?" Niall asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well if you must know Skye was seconds away from giving me h-" Before Louis could finish I did the first thing that came to mind and grabbed his jacket collar, pulling him closer before I pressed my lips to his making everyone groan in annoyance.

"Shut up." I whispered quietly once we pulled away making him roll his eyes, but still smile. "Fine, but I'm still pissed at certain people." he groaned while lightly placing a kiss on my head. "Fair enough." I lightly giggled. "Alright, now if you guys are done shoving your tongues down each other's throats, we'd like to get going." Harry smirked playfully.

"Can we please just stay?" Louis groaned for what felt like the twentieth time this morning. "No, we can't." I spoke grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. "Well, are you guys coming?" I giggled as I pulled the door open. "Yeah." Perrie smiled. "By the way it's just going to be the six of us, everyone else left." Zayn spoke while pointing around at Perrie, Liam, Louis, Niall, him, and, myself.

"Okay." I laughed. "Wait, can I drive your bike?" Louis smirked making me roll my eyes. "Sure, but if you wreck it-" I paused before moving closer and softening my voice, "No sex for you, ever, and, you may or may not get your goods cut off." I pulled away to see Louis wide eyes making me smirk it satisfaction as I lightly sat my keys in the palm of his hand.

I quickly pulled the door open and walked into the direction of my gorgeous baby. "Are you guys coming or not?" I called making everyone nod and scurry out of the house with Louis being the last person to exit. "You're so fucking mean." He growled while approaching me. "But I can't stay mad at you when you're wearing my clothes and leaning against that bike like a bad ass, it's a real turn on." He whispered softly against my ear making me lightly shiver. Even though Louis may be dressed like a geek right now, he still has his bad boy attitude.

Louis smirked at my reaction before slipping on my bike, I lightly bit my lip before sliding on behind him and wrapping my hands around his waist while my head rested on his back. The bike soon took off at a high speed making me smile widely. I bet it looked super weird to others that an adorable geek was driving a motorcycle, I never actually got why Louis dressed like such a geek in public. I mean, he didn't even mention it during the time we talked on the internet and it didn't look like he would anytime soon.

It just made no sense to me. Why would Louis want to be a bad boy in secrecy and a geek in public? Why did he want to be a secret bad boy? My thoughts were interrupted as my bike came to a stop and Louis lightly spoke the words, "We're here."


Author's Note:

Aye bitches! I'm back! Hahaha. Sorry this was so short and very sucky, but at least I'm trying here!!!! Anyways thanks to all our patient readers, I feel really bad for not updating, but I'm the only one writing right now... I hope to get another chapter up ASAP!!! :)

Lots of love,


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