Chapter 8: Forever || Picture of Carrie on the side ||

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Chapter 8: Forever

Picture of Carrie on the side >>>

★★★★Sky's POV★★★★

Louis and I were sat on his bed as the movie "Love Actually." was displayed in front of us but, I wasn't paying any attention to the movie as I starred at the beautiful boy who held me securely in his arms. He had the prettiest eyes and no matter what I did, I seemed to get lost in them. His lips were a perfect heart shape and though mine had only touched them twice I knew they were as soft and smooth as silk, and his perfectly tanned skin. I couldn't understand how someone could even manage to live in England and still manage to have such a gorgeous tan. Louis' eyes looked into mine as a small smile crept up on his lips, he caught me looking.

My cheeks heated up as I stared back at the television making Louis' beautiful laugh echo through the entire room. "Your so cute." He smiled as he lifted my chin with his pointer finger and lightly pressed his soft lips to my own. "You feeling any better?" He asked with concern written on his face as he brushed a strand of hair from my face and softly shoved it behind my ear. I nodded with small smile on my mouth, I'm always happy when I talk to him and the fact that he's actually here makes me feel even better. Louis' groaned as his phone began to ring. He lifted me up from him and grabbed his phone from his night stand before pressing answer.

"Hello?" He spoke into the phone. "Oh hey Haz!" I remembered Louis telling me this was his best friend. "I'm kind of spending time with my girlfriend-" "Yeah I met her." He laughed. "I don't know." He rolled his eyes as I quietly giggled. "Hey Skye would it be okay if Haz and the boys come over to hangout?" He asked.

"It's your house so isn't that choice up to you?" I laugh. "Yeah but, I'm spending time with you." He smiled. "I guess, it doesn't matter to me." I once again laughed. I wondered what his friends were like and I couldn't help but feel nervous about meeting them. What if they didn't like me? What if they didn't except our relationship? What if they made Louis want to break up with me? I had been with him for so long and yet not long enough.. Him breaking up with me would be the worst thing I had ever experienced. Only time could tell, but no matter what I wouldn't keep Louis away from his best friends. "Yeah you can come over." He spoke to Harry again. "Alright see you in a few minutes." He spoke before hanging up.


I was currently sitting on the couch with Louis waiting for the boys to come over. My head was resting on Louis' lap as he ran his fingers through my hair when the door bell rang. Louis and I both stood to our feet and walked over to the door as he opened it. "Hey guys." He smiled at 4 boys who stood at the door. "Is this your girlfriend?" A blonde headed boy with an Irish accent spoke. "Yeah." Louis spoke as he wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a light kiss on the top of my head. I simply smiled at him.

"Well are you going to introduce us?" A curly headed boy asked. "Yes, I'm not stupid Haz." Louis rolled his eyes, I learned in the 3 years, I'd known him the he was quite sassy. "Sky, this curly headed twat is Harry, that leprechaun over there with the blonde hair is Niall and the quiet one over there is Liam." He spoke as he pointed at each of the boys. "And everyone, this is my girl Skye." His girl. I loved the sound of that and I could definitely get used to the title.

"Hi." I shyly waved while biting my lip nervously. "Hey it's nice to meet you." The boy known as Liam spoke and surprised me when he pulled me in a spine breaking hug. "You too." I smiled softly once he let go. "I smell popcorn." Niall announced. "Yeah we just made some." Louis shrugged as Niall darted past us and into the kitchen where the freshly made popcorn was. "He's a food fanatic." The boy named Harry whispered while chuckling, I nodded my head. "Welcome to the family by the way." He spoke giving me a hug like Liam did moments ago. "Thanks, it's a pleasure to join, I guess." I giggled. I had only knew these guys for a few minutes and yet I already felt more excepted than I did in my own home or, family for that matter.

"Let's go into the living room." Louis spoke as we all walked over to the couch. "Don't be nervous, trust me they like you, especially because they know how I feel about you." I nodded while giving him a soft smile. Just as I was about to sit beside Louis he pulled me into his lap and placed his head on my shoulder. "If you guys start to snog then I swear to god I'll fucking puke." Harry joked. Just as I was about to say a comeback my phone began to vibrate and I pulled it out to see Perrie was calling. I swear, she has such bad timing. "Aye babes!" I smiled making everyone look at me as if I had just strangled a kitten. "It's my best friend Perrie..." I awkwardly laughed as I covered up the speaker. They all shrugged and went on doing whatever. "Hi, I heard Louis' is loverboy...Why didn't you tell me? And why do you never listen to me? I told you not to judge him." She spoke and I could tell she had a scowl on her face.

"Sorry, I just found out and I know I should, but we both know I never do what I should." I giggled. "Very true, but you still have explaining to do and details to spare so, I'm coming over in 5." She giggled. "I'm actually at Louis' right now." I smiled as I looked behind me at Louis who was intently starring at Harry who was talking to him. He's so cute when he's focused. "But I misses you." She joked while speaking like a child and pulled me from my thoughts. "Can't we just come to Louis'?"

"I don't know but, I'll ask." I sighed playfully while laughing at the same time. "Yes, now hurry!" She exclaims making me laugh even harder. "Hey Lou." I smile as I speak in a song song voice. "Yes?" He asked. "I love you." I spoke holding out the word you. "I love you to, now what do you want?" He knows me so well. "Can Perrie, Zayn, Michael, and, Carrie come over?" I innocently smiled. "Anything for you." He smiled as he placed a small kiss on my neck. "You're so whipped." An Irish accent commented and I looked up to see Niall standing in the doorway with a large bowl of popcorn. "Being nice to your girlfriend isn't being whipped." Louis sassily glared at him. I nodded from beside him, "He's right, now shut it leprechaun." I giggled while Louis gave me a high five.

"Holy shit guys, now we have to deal with to sassy people, this is to much." Liam exclaims making everyone laugh. "Perrie?" I questioned to see if she was still there after my fit of laughter was over. "Yeh?" She questioned. "You guys can come over."


Louis, Harry, Michael, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Carrie, Perrie, and I all sat in a small circle as we played never have I ever. "Never have I ever done drugs." Carrie spoke making Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Michael and I raise our glasses to our mouths. It was true Carrie had surprisingly never let the pressure of doing drugs cave in and I has to admit I admired her a lot for that.

The shot burned as it slid down my throat, but I was used to the feeling by now. I mean, after all I had drank since I was 12 when my father left and mum had became a mess. Drinking was the only way I knew of that would help with the pain besides the things I did behind closed doors. Things nobody in their right mind would even think of doing to themselves. This had been at least the 8th shot I've took, but I still didn't have the buzz I was aiming for. "What the hell?" Carrie spoke shocked by all of the people pour tequila down their throats.

"You sound surprised." I giggled making her roll her eyes. "Who wouldn't be, for fuck sakes, what kind of people do I talk to?" She joked and we both giggled loudly. If you haven't noticed I'm a very giggly drunk..I'm also pretty kinky too--Pretend like I didn't say that.

"Never have I ever had sex in public." Niall spoke making me raise my glass to my lips and swallowing it down. Of course someone would bring that up. "No way, with who?" Liam asked. "It was Jason Taylor and they were-" Perrie began to speak but Louis cut her off, "Please don't spare the details." Louis cringed slightly.

"Aww is Louis jealous?" Harry joked as Louis playfully glared at him. "Nope, because non like that douche I get to keep her." Louis smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his head in my neck. He was right, he did get to keep me and my heart forever. Damn, I just love the sound of that, forever. It may be a long time, but I wouldn't spending that long in Louis' arms.


Hope you guys liked this chapter because I'm going to be spending as much time as I can with my god daughter for the next few days so I might not update for a few days...I feel really bad for always making excuses or whatever but, I have to get my grades up and I really want to spend time with Faith (My god daughter) so I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from here. Please comment, vote, and, follow!! Wuv you amazayn peoples!!

-XX Sharry

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