Chapter 9: He puts the ass in sass

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Recap; "Never have I ever had sex in public." Niall spoke making me raise the glass I held to my lips. "No way who?" Liam asked. "It was Jason Taylor and they were-" Perrie began to speak but Louis cut her off, "Please don't spare any details." "Aww is Louis jealous?" Harry joked as Louis playfully glared at him. "Nope, because non like that douche I get to keep her." Louis smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his head in my neck.

Chapter 9: He puts the ass in sass

★★★★3rd person POV★★★★(I just wanted to try something new ha xD)

Skye blushed as the words left her adorable boyfriends mouth and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. Skye loved how sweet and romantic Louis was and was proud to call him hers. I mean who wouldn't be? He's perfect. The words came to her head showing just how much love and admiration she had for him.

"Aww." Carrie gushed. "Why don't you say stuff like that to me?" Perrie playfully pouted making Skye giggle. "Because Boo Bear's perfect and wayy better than Zayn." Skye joked while giggling before lightly pecking Louis' soft and perfect lips.

"Hey you arse!" Zayn acted offended as he playfully glared at Skye who stuck her tongue out at him.

"Dick" Skye spoke.


"Man whore."


"Cun-" Skye was cut off by Louis placing his hand over her mouth making Skye sassily roll her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Louis laughed. Skye once again sassily rolled her eyes as she held in a giggle that wanted to escape her lips. "Skye." He warned as he playful glare.

"Ooh Skye you better watch out Lou's the master of sass." Harry joked but, Skye along with everyone else knew that Louis was in fact sassy as fuck. "Yeah but, he also puts the ass in sass in more ways then one." Skye smiled as she looked up at Louis who grinned back. "I do have quite the ass don't I?"

"Yup you've got the sexiest ass in the world." Skye winked jokingly but, she did in fact enjoy the view of her boyfriends bum. Everybody in the room honestly admired the way Skye and Louis looked at each other, cared for each other, and, most of all loved each other. They all of course knew about the two's relationship when it was only an online thing and even then they supported it knowing just how happy their friend was.

"Ok guys let's continue shall we?" Niall spoke making everyone nod. "I'll start." Perrie smiled. "Uh--Never have I ever lied to you guys about someone big going on in my life." Skye raised her eyebrow as she debated whether or not she should take a sip.

Skye sighed before slurping down a sip. "What?!?!" Zayn's eyes widen at the fact that Skye just admitted that she had in fact lied to one of them. "I uh yeah. I mean a few of you know but, I haven't told every and, I'd rather not talk about it while I'm drunk." Skye bites her lip.

"Okay." Zayn sadly smiles pushing the subject to the side. "I promise Zayn it's nothing against you and I trust you with everything but, I just can't bring myself to tell everyone yet." Skye assures Zayn who nods.

"Okay now. Never have I ever stole Zayn's hair products." Skye laughs while Perrie hesitantly brings her glass to her lips. "No way." Liam gasp. Everybody knows you never touch Zayn's hair products.

"Yeah." Perrie spoke look at the carpeted floor under her bum. "But why? Which hair product?" Zayn frantically ask. "Just you hair spray." The words that leave Perrie's mouth seem to make Zayn calm down a little.

Everyone burst out laughing at the fact that Zayn acted like the world was about to come the the end. From all the years Skye had known Zayn she had came to realize that Zayn's hair sprays, hair gels, and, other hair shit were Zayn's everything besides his beautiful heroine Perrie.


"Skye." Louis lightly shook Skye's shoulder. Skye had ended up falling asleep on him during the game and to him she looked very uncomfortable. "Mm." Skye mumbled as she rubbed her eyes like a small child.

Louis found this extremely adorable and a large grin made its way to his lips. "You want to go to bed." Skye just nodded feeling to tired to do or say much at this moment.

"Alright guys we're heading to bed." Louis informed his friends who just nodded. Louis stood up with the beautiful girl still in his arms as he carried her bridal style up the stairs.

Louis had never saw someone as angelic and beautiful as the princess held in his arms and as much as he hated to admit it he would often imagine her walking down the aisle with a gorgeous white gown adorning her fragile body and a huge smile on her face. Louis quietly finished his destination to his room with all these thoughts of Skye and his future in his head.

He knew it was crazy to be thinking these thoughts so early but, he couldn't help it. After all love does make you do some pretty crazy things. Louis opened the door and flicked the light on before placing the lovely girl on the bed and putting the covers over her to provide her warmth.

He then laid on his side next to her making her automatically curl up to him. Louis smiled in content as he ran his fingers through her soft curls trying not to wake her up. "So beautiful." He spoke lightly to himself. How had he even gotten such a perfect girl to become his was something he didn't understand. How could something so heavenly love someone as demented as him?

Louis moved the hair covering Skye's forehead before he softly peck her skin. "Night baby." He smiled. "I love you." He then softly cooed in her ear.


Hope you liked this chapter...Sorry we haven't updated we feel really bad about it but, we're barely passing right now so, we need to stay focused on our school work. Btw I'm sorry if you don't like that it's in 3rd person POV but, I promise it won't stay that way and that I was just experimenting. Alright love y'all hope you liked these please vote, comment, and, follow. xx


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