Chapter 17: Living a life of war

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Chapter 17: Living a life of war

So, let me just take the time to vent about how fucking excited I am to already be on chapter 17..17!!!!!! Like, holly shit!!! :O This is so, so exciting and I honestly can't believe I've made it this far, and to completely and utterly honest, there have been points where I've thought about just ending it all, however, I'm so glad I didn't. I just love writing and gosh, this is so overwhelming :) I'm so ecstatic right now, you don't even understand how happy and proud I am at this very moment..I'm going to stop venting now, but I really hope you enjoy unraveling the latest secret of Louis Tomlinson ;) This chapter is all in his POV and it's pretty---interesting if I must say so myself!

Recap; "Simon." I panted. "Yeah?" He spoke almost impatiently. "Simon, I need your help. Gather up as much of the gang as you can, we're going to make sure this bastard never sees the light of day again."

★★★★Louis' POV★★★★

"What the hell are you talking about Lou?" The leader of my "secret group" and the only father-like figure I've ever had spoke in confusion. I bet you're probably confused by what I'm saying when I say the words "secret group" and you're probably jumping to several conclusions at this moment, I would to though. "It's my girlfriend." I panted as I heaved for breath. I was starring directly at Sky's door in that moment contemplating on whether or not I should kick the damn thing down.

"What about her?" He sighed in confusion. "She's in danger and I need your help. Please, Si, just help me with this one thing." I pleaded quietly. "Of course, son, but in order to help I need your location." He spoke as I heard shuffling from his side of the line.

"O-Of course. I'm near my house, I'm actually right beside it. She's my neighbor and she lives in a white house." I spoke as I looked around for something more useful to describe where I was at when I spotted Sky's "baby" as she called it. "That's it." I mumbled to myself. "What?' Simon questioned my quiet response.

"Nothing, I just thought I'd mention that she has a red motorcycle parked in front of her house." I knew that Simon knew where I lived, but I was determined to make sure he found Sky's house with ease. "Uh, okay." Simon spoke. "Now, calm down Louis, we'll be there shortly." He promised.

"Thanks, Simon. Out of all the things you've done for me this is the biggest and I'm proud to say that you're my father or at least the only father I've had. I mean, you're not my actual father, but it feels like it--You know what I mean, right?" I rambled. "Yes, now stop talking or we'll never get there." He chuckled as I sighed. "Okay, bye." I sighed. "Bye, Louis." He spoke. I was about to press the red end button when Simon began to talk again. "Oh and no matter what you do, do not go into that house until we get there. Got it?" He spoke sternly. "Got it." I sighed even though I wasn't a hundred percent sure those rules would be followed.

"Louis." He warned. "I mean it because going in that house could risk both of your lifes." Simon warned once more. "I know, I know." I groaned. "I won't go in, now hurry and get here." I spoke before I finally eneded the call. It was going to take everything in me not to rush through that door, but I would fight off the urge to save her, at least until I had people who could actually think rationally, non-like me who was in quite the panic.


"Finally, what the fuck took you twats so long." I groaned as I made my way to Simon's black Audi 8 where he and several familiar men were getting out. "We came as fast as we could." Simon assured me as he softly patted my back. "Whatever." I groaned. "Can we just get this done with?" I questioned as I headed for Sky's house once again.

"Louis." Simon spoke, making me turn to face him with a raised eyebrow. "What?" I questioned with a sigh. "You can't do this." He spoke as he walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders. "And why can't I." I growled while deeply scolding him. "Because." He sighed. "You aren't thinking clearly and in order to complete this mission you need focus--You're just to enchanted by the victim and it's going to take away all your sense of right and wrong." He spoke calmly. "I'm sorry."

"Simon, I can't just stay out here knowing that I could've saved her and I didn't. I can't just sit here knowing that she's probably scared out of her damn mind. I have to go in there and I have to save her, Si. She's needed me to save her for so long and I'm not passing up the opportunity to be the Prince Charming she's needed me to be." I all but whispered. "Lo-"

"No, let me do this, I know I can do this the right way." I pleaded. "Please, Simon." I begged. "One slip Louis and we could all die. One slip." He spoke with seriousness. "Sim-" I began, but he held his index finger up, making me silence. "Let me finish." He sighed. "One slip and we're done for so, I'm giving you a chance, but if even one thing goes wrong just know that everybody in that house will be going down with us." A small smile made it's way to my lips as he spoke the words.

"Thanks, Simon." I spoke as I pulled him into a 'bro hug' "Sure, now lets go and you obviously have to tell Sky what's going on and who we are, but she can't tell anybody." He warned as I nodded. "Come on guys." He called out to the four familiar boys known as my best friends, along with a few other guys that I knew.

"Sky's going to be okay." Harry promised with a small smile as he patted my back and continued to walk into the house. "Thanks." I spoke barely above a whisper. "Good luck, man." Zayn smiled, giving me a small nod as he continued his walk. "You too." I nodded back. "It's going to be okay, we're going to kick some ass, and then we'l all get Nando's later." Niall smirked as I rolled my eyes.

Is there ever a time my Irish best friend isn't thinking about food? "Come on." Liam spoke once he came up to me. "Sky needs you." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we both began to make our way towards the house. "Do you think she's okay?" I couldn't help but worriedly ask. "Of course she is, she's a fighter and this is a battle I'm confident she'll win. After all she's won it time and time again." He assured me.

"Louis, you've got yourself a warrior." He smiled and I gladly returned it. "Thanks, man, but I'm tired of seeing her living a life of war. Physically and mentally." I sighed. "I know Lou, but don't worry this will all be over soon and everything will be just fine."

"I sure hope so." I sighed just as we made it to her front door. "Ready?" Simon quietly questioned everyone. "Ready." Everyone responded before we watched the door cave in due to Simon's foot roughly making contact with it. Here we go. Let the drama begin now.


Author's Note:

Daaammmnnn!!! Shit's about to get real, by the way, how did you guys like Louis' POV? Louis and Liam's small convo? What do you think this "secret group" really is? Comment bellow and tell me your thoughts <3


Sharry xx

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