Chapter 13: DO NOT TOUCH!

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Chapter 13: DO NOT TOUCH!

★★★★Sky's POV★★★★

My eyes fluttered open only to be welcomed by the bright sunlight shining through Louis' window. I groaned in annoyance as I buried my head in Louis warm, bare chest. The worst part of drinking was the hangover that came the day after, but I didn't mind the throbbing in my head as flashes of last night played in my head and a smile made its way to my lips. Last night was magical, maybe even beyond that.

I had never experienced anything that incredible in my whole life. "What are you thinking about?" I heard Louis' groggy voice and looked up to see that he had an adorable, lazy smile on his mouth. "Honestly?" I questioned, but didn't wait for a response before whispering, "I'm thinking about last night." I couldn't help but smile as I spoke the words out loud because in my mind it seemed like it was all just a dream, but once I said it, it made it real.

I leaned up and pressed my lips to Louis' cute smile, giving him a small peck. "Me too." He lightly whispered with my mouth only centimeters from his. My smile widened before he pressed his lips to mine. "I love you Sky Daniels." He smirked while starring deeply into my eyes.

"I love you too, Louis Tomlinson." I said as I pressed a soft peck to his chest and then laid my head there listening to his steady heartbeat while there was a peaceful silence. "I could lay here forever." I mumbled while snuggling closer to him. "Is that so?" He questioned from above me.

"It is, can we just lay here and cuddle all day?" I asked while smiling widely. "Are movies and junk food involved?" Louis questioned making me giggle. "If you get them." I said while laughing quietly. "How about I go downstairs and get the food while you pick out a movie from over there?" He suggested while pointing to a shelf full of movies that I'd seen the other times I've been in here.

"Okay, that works." I said as I pull the blanket from my body and stood to my feet, not even caring that I was naked. Louis shook his had, letting a small chuckle fall from his lips as he stood to his feet in pursuit of me. "What?" I lightly giggled as I cocked my eyebrow at the beautiful, naked Sex-God standing behind me. I bent down and scanned through the several movies Louis' owned. The Titanic, Love Actually, The Notebook? Who would've thought such a bad ass would have such a big collection of cheesy romances. Louis is definitely one of a kind.

"It's just that I've never really met someone, other than Harry, who was so blunt when naked." Louis chuckled from behind me, making my attention turn away from the movies and instead go fully to him. "Hmm, really?" I smirked playfully while picking up 50 First Dates and standing to my feet. "Mhm." He mumbled while also smirking.

"Well, I've never met as 'bad ass' who owns such cliche, romance movies. You really are a softie......" I giggled while holding up the movie in my hands.  "I am not." Louis seductively, yet playfully whispered as his naked body was suddenly closer to mine and his breath was against my neck making shivers run down my bare body. "Are you sure about that?" I said as I tried my hardest to act unfazed by him, but in reality I was going mad. What was this boy doing to me?

"Oh, I'm sure." He smirked playfully. "Now decide on a movie before I take you back to that bed and do things to you that probably aren't even legal." He continued while still smirking playfully. "Oh, no. Please don't do that Mr. Tomlinson." I playfully said making him roll his eyes in the sassy way that he does. "Whatever, I'll be right back." He chuckled, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips before quickly putting his boxers on and walking out of the door.

I should probably put some clothes on.. I quickly grabbed my purple thongs from the floor before sliding them on deciding that I'd just look for a T-Shirt of Louis' to wear. I scrambled through his drawers in search of something to wear when a small, red notebook fell out of one of the crowded drawers and hit the floor. On were bold, ink letters that said "Property of Louis Tomlinson, DO NOT TOUCH!", but I couldn't help it as I pulled to cover open and began to read the words sloppily jotted down on the page,

"Dear journal-"



A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!!! Please don't hate me for it, but I swear something HUGE is about to happen and you will definitely want to stay tuned ;) Btw, as promised, my story will be called "Secret Good Girl" which will show the good side of Skye that everyone has yet to really see yet..More detail will be up soon along with the story cover and maybe even a teaser/preview will be up soon!!!

Love you hoes!!,

Sharry xx

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