Chapter 6: Louis Tomlinson? || Picture of Niall on the side ||

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Chapter 6: Louis Tomlinson?

Picture of Niall on the side >>>

★★★★Sky's POV★★★★

Louis and his family had left about 3 hours ago and now I was currently sitting on my bed with my computer lying on my lap getting ready to break the news I had been dreading telling Supernatural. I logged onto my email looking for his name, once I found it I clicked on it and to my dismay he was on. The guilt was eating me alive and though I desperately didn't want to tell him, I knew I needed to. No matter how horrified I was that he would break up with me, never trust me again, or never even talk to me again I had to do this.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: Hey, I have something I really need to tell u...

Supernatural: Me too.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: K, you can go first.

Might as well have him tell me the good news before I break him the bad news and ruin everything between us. I don't think I've been so anxious before and I couldn't help it as my teeth clenched against my nails and ripped pieces of them off. It was nice to have Louis there to help me through it for a while and he even had me smiling again, but once he left the tears came back and so did the elephants that were stomping around in my stomach.

Supernatural: K...I'm not quite sure how to put this so I'll just come right out and say it. I erm kind of kissed another girl

Though I had kissed another boy that day it still hu--Wait, what?!?! Okay hold on so, Supernatural kissed a girl the same exact day I kissed Louis...Louis has girlfriend, but I mean, I doubt it's me. It couldn't be me, could it? Maybe that's why I felt so much chemistry with him...No, It can't be Louis! Can it?

Supernatural: Louis, please say something.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: What's your real name?

I know its weird that we didn't even know each other's names, but it just never came up, but I had to know now. I had to know if this was Louis.

Supernatural: Louis...Why? Are you mad at me?

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: Louis Tomlinson?

I asked instead of answering his questions.

Supernatural: Yeah...How the hell did you know that?

How did I not connect the dots before I mean after all he was a new student and he did have that charm I loved about Supernatural.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: Louis, I was the girl u kissed.

Supernatural: Sky?

xSoMuchForMyHappyEnding: Yup that's, that's me.

Supernatural: I can't believe I didn't notice it was you, I feel like such a shitty boyfriend, but you're really are gorgeous in person.

I couldn't help the heat that rose to my cheeks as I read his sweet words, he always was romantic

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: No you're not...It's not like you could notice someone you hadn't seen when you just met them. And thanks, but you don't have to lie to me. xxx

Supernatural: I'm not lying ur perfect, Sky. If I would have known that I met you I would have kissed every inch of your beautiful face and held you in my arms forever.

He always seemed to know the right things to say, the things that made me blush and my heart rate to speed up. He was absolutely perfect. I'm sure your wonder why we've never sent each other pictures and gave out our name, the reason is because we decided we would get to know each other personally and see how much we liked each other by our personalities, not looks. And the reason we didn't say our names is because we could find each other on other social websites.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: Aw, you're so sweet x

Supernatural: Haha thanks...Can I come over? You know so we can actually hug and kiss each other without feeling guilty for cheating on our partners lol :)

That's when it hit me though, if he cheated then, what would stop him from cheating later? I knew I wasn't innocent, but the thought still worried me in ways I couldn't describe. I just shrugged it off for then not wanting to ruin the moment.

xSoMuchForMyHappyEndingx: Uh, sure

Supernatural: K see you soon :)

I shut my computer off before I sat it down it beside of me and began to stare out the window watching as the wind whistled the trees causing the autumn leaves to shake. It was hard to believe I had actually met my prince charming, but the thing that shocked me most is that I didn't recognize him...I guess that proves you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I thought at first that Louis was a geek, but then knowing that he was the one person I depended on and loved more than anything was hard to believe and I'm finally getting to meet him, the right way. My mind flashed back to Louis' words from Starbucks and I couldn't help but smile at how he described me.

"She's just perfect, beyond perfect actually. She has this amazing personality and every time I talk to her I just light up. She's beyond the best thing that's ever happened to me." His words rang in my head over and over again like a broken record, but I didn't mind. The glint in his eyes was glued to my mind, the way he loved that girl he spoke about, the way he loved me.

My phone began to play the song "The Rhythm Of Love" signaling that I had a call from someone. I looked down at my screen to see the name "Ice Ice Baby" which was set for Carrie because her last name was Ice. "Hello." I sang with excitment. "Someone's in a good mood...What happened with lover boy?" She laughed already knowing that my excitment was due to Louis...I should probably tell her about that...

"Well." I sigh dramatically as if somethings wrong. "I found out today that Louis is Supernatural and he's coming here in a few minutes...Oh. My. God. I'm so nervous Carrie!" I say all in one breath making her laugh. "Oh my gosh! You're joking right?" She asked with shock. "Nope." I spoke popping the 'P'. Just then my bell rung making the anxiety get to me even more. "Gotta go he's here." I laugh. "Okay..You've already met him you have nothing to worry about and you better tell me every detail!" She exclaimed.


Sorry it's not the best chapter but at least it's an update. Haha. Vote, comment and follow!! Please also follow our twitter and Instagram @lydneysharry (They're the same :P) Wuv you!!!!!!

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