Fred Weasley x Reader

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Your Pov:

You swear that you have been never more embarrassed in your life.

It had been a boring day, slow classes, feel like sleeping in lessons. Of course your boyfriend for 3 years, Fred Weasley, had been taken note of this. He had seemed to be planning something, as he usually is.

Dinner had finally rolled around and an white owl swoops down from the window, along with other different birds. The bird drop packages. A small red envelope drops in front of you.

You recognize this type of letter immediately. A Howler. Thousand of thoughts where going threw your head. Hesitating, you open up the howler and the letter forms a mouth. When it was about to speak, you didn't expect the words to come out next.

"Hey Y/n"  your boyfriends voice echoes form the paper, gaining the attention of everyone in the great hall including the professors.

"Did you use the stupify charm or are you a natural stunner?"

Your face turn a darker shade of red darker then you Gryffindor robes. You thought that was it but no, it continues.

"Without you I feel like I'm in Azkaban and dementors are sucking away my soul."

"Going to bed? Mine if I Slytherin?"

The pick up lines went on. Then the worst one happened.

"Do you want to head to the Shrieking Shack? We could do some shrieking of our own."

Your face was deep in your hands by then. You where so embarrassed you didn't want to look up.

The howler finally ripped up. You looked up and everyone laughed or gave you a suggestive grins.

Across the Great Hall you see your Fred, walking to go sit next to you like nothing had ever happened.

As he sat down, he wrapped his arm around you and gave you a cocky smile.

"How did you like my note?"


"Yes love"

"Remind me to hurt you later!" You exclaim, filling you plate.

"Sounds like a plan!"

Harry Potter Characters x Reader and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now