Draco Malfoy x Reader

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It was nearly time again for the Yule Ball. The staff had been hesitant to continue the tradition after your fourth year when Cedric Diggory tragically died, but the other schools had convinced Headmaster Dumbledore that the Triwizard Tournament was tradition and that it was once again Hogwarts' turn to host the event. He reluctantly agreed, and with the Tournament came the Yule Ball.

You didn't express many girly traits on the outside, but you loved dances. You loved buying a fancy dress and doing your hair and wearing makeup, since you hardly did any of those things normally. You didn't have a date, but that wasn't going to stop you from having a good time. You could still dress up and dance with a friend. Perhaps one of your Ravenclaw friends, since your fellow Slytherins weren't much for social gatherings unless it made them look good.

You sat in Potions class, doodling in the margins of your notebook. You'd finished today's project, and you knew Snape wouldn't even bother checking your work because of your House. You were sketching simple design options for your dress and thinking of ways to wear your hair. You didn't act girly very often, but when you did you liked to go all out.

A fluttering paper crane crashed into your head and landed on your desk. You glanced up to see that Snape was lost in a book before picking up the crane and unfolding it, seeing that there was something scribbled on the inside.

Hey (y/n). Go to the Ball with me?


You turned your head to see Blaise partnered with Pansy and nibbled your lower lip. He was attractive, sure, and he'd always been nice to you. You just happened to have your eye on someone else. Your gaze wandered, without your consent, towards the platinum blond sitting in front of Blaise. You shook your head and turned back to the note, scribbling an answer before flicking your wand at it so it would flutter back to its owner.


You had wanted to go with Draco, but you knew he would never say yes if you asked, much less ask you himself. Blaise was nice and he would make sure you had a good time at the dance.

You now had a date. All you needed was a dress.

To your surprise, your roommate, Y/F wanted to go as well, and she offered to go dress shopping with you. That Saturday, a week before the Ball, you planned to go Hogsmeade and look around the shops to find your dresses, or at least some inspiration.

The two of you got along well, and she even knew about your crush on the blond. She was surprised to learn that you accepted Blaise's invitation.

"Did you know he was going to ask me?" you asked, sauntering into Galdrags Wizardwear.

Y/F nodded enthusiastically. "Everyone knew. He said it in the common room the other night. You must have been in our room studying. He declared that he was going to ask you to the Ball, and he was all confident that you were going to say yes even after all the guys you already turned down, and Draco got really bothered by it."

You felt a little played, having said yes so quickly. If you'd known how big a deal he'd made of asking you out, you would have said no, or at least that you had to think about it. "Why would Draco be upset? He's going with Pansy." You tried not to angrily spat when you said her name.

Y/F's lips quirked into a smile but she tried to hide it. "Hm, I wonder why."

You turned to look at her. "What's up with you? What do you know?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But... Be warned that Blaise won't be the only person paying attention to you at the Ball."

She sauntered off to look at dresses, leaving you to wonder what that meant.

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