Draco Malfoy x Reader

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The Sunday morning sun bathed the magnificent Malfoy Manor's garden, full of bushes and rows of flowers. The big, black oak doors that led to the Manor's backyard opened, and thus two young lovers ran happily down the several stone steps carrying brown handmade baskets in their hands, still wearing their expensive satin nightwear.
(Y/N) turned to look at her boyfriend, Draco, with a sly smile.
"Ready for me to beat you at egg-hunting?" she inquired. Draco scoffed with a playful smile plastered across his lips.
"Good luck with that," said the platinum blond, before running towards the nearest bush as he began to fetch the colored eggs.

"Hey! That's cheating!" (Y/N) called from the other side of the garden, running and crouching in between some rosebushes.
Draco had by far picked up seven bright eggs with different patterns and surely, different surprises inside. He felt warm and fuzzy on the inside, something he had never felt since his days at Hogwarts, when the only thing that made him the happiest boy alive was to see Harry Potter fail miserably. And as he heard (Y/N) chuckling behind him, Draco was happy to acknowledge that the reason behind his newfound everyday-happiness was because of her.
He ran to a tall tree and crouched, picking a purple egg, when suddenly, something caught his eye. There, behind a bush, was a gleaming silver egg –The Silver Egg. This was the most valuable egg that had been placed for hunt on the territory. Feeling rather jumpy, he stretched out his slim hand and grabbed the shining object, placing it now in front of the tree were he had found the insignificant purple egg so it would be more notable.

"I think I'm done!" he called. (Y/N) glanced around at the grounds as she walked towards the boy.
"Yeah, I think I'm done too." she said as she approached Draco. (Y/N) gifted a warm smile just mere seconds before her eyes widened and her legs moved quickly behind Draco.
"Aha!" exclaimed (Y/N), snatching The Silver Egg from the floor. She held it high and smiled smugly "Well, look what I've found."

"Open it," said Draco, slightly out of breath. (Y/N) walked over to him once again, stopping right in front of him and proceeding to open the egg.
Draco watched attentively as the girl pulled it apart, making a slight cracking sound as it gave in. Suddenly, the girl's triumphant expression morphed into one of pure astonishment. Taking this as his queue, Draco took the egg lying in (Y/N)'s hands onto his.

He took out the price with shaky fingers and tossed the empty shell to the grass, taking in a deep breath before kneeling in front of (Y/N), who had clasped her hands onto her open mouth.
Draco now held the price higher; a silver ring with a big diamond on the center and three to each side resembling a flower gleamed underneath the sunlight, sending gleaming bits as it moved on Draco's nervous hands.
"(Y/F/N)," he began "I've been in love with you since before I can remember. You had given me hope and support when I needed it the most. You have been my best friend and companion, and thankfully, my girlfriend. You have made me into the man that I am, out-growing the boy that I was. I want to keep spending my days by your side. Will you marry me?"
Teary-eyed, a shaky gasp left (Y/N)'s mouth as she lowered her hands and squatted to be in Draco's level.
"Yes," she croaked out "Yes, yes, I will!"
Draco smiled. He grabbed (Y/N) by the arms and helped themselves up again, not before he had slipped the precious ring in (Y/N)'s delicate finger.
Placing his hands on his hips, he took no time in kissing (Y/N) repeatedly, managing to say as many "I love you"s in between as he could.

A|n: I don't own some of these story, I found some online that I like a thought that they should be more seen, hope you enjoy!!

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