Harry Potter x Reader

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"I don't know what to do anymore Draco. He's been so distant and cold towards me, I fear that he may not love me anymore," I managed to say through a flood of tears and hiccups. Harry and I had been dating for over a years but lately he had started to become disconnected from our relationship: missed dates, forgotten events and frequent fights that revolved around nothing. At first I thought that he had simply been going through a lot with the death of Sirius and Mad-eye Moody, and the impending war but Hermione assured me that he would return to normal, that was months ago and now I didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Potter is a fool," Draco says and runs his slim fingers through my silky h/c curls and then traced soothing patterns on my back. "If he can't appreciate such a wonderful girl as yourself then he doesn't deserve you." I smiled sadly and snuggled into the arms of Draco even more and the blond simply held me against his broad chest as I sobbed like a five-year-old who lost her toy. Draco had been my best friend since we were babies and he had been the first one to know about me and Harry, even though he didn't approve of me dating Harry at first he slowly came around to the idea and gave us his approval.

Soon the tears had dried and the silence hung around us as we simply held each other underneath a shady Oak tree that was down by the Black Lake. My body slowly relaxed and the grip I had on Draco's black dress shirt loosened as a wave of exhaustion suddenly hit me. I felt my best friend shift underneath me and soon I was laid down on something soft and the faint hint of peppermint and cologne drafted towards me. Even though I was almost asleep I was still aware of everything around me so when I heard Draco stand up and the distinct sound of him removing his wand I knew something was about to happen.

"What are you doing here Potter?" He seethed and I imagined him tightly gripping his wand and pointing it towards the latter. I could also imagine Harry glaring back at the first boy and pulling out his own wand in case there was to be a duel between the two.

"I was looking for my girlfriend, what are you doing with Y/N?" questioned Harry and then there was silence and I was ready to open my eyes and see what was going on when I heard Draco release a hoarse dry laugh.

"Girlfriend. You've been avoiding Y/N for the last two months. She's been heartbroken because of you and you're so bloody blind that you can't see it!" Draco all but screamed and I heard shuffling before someone fell to the floor and I opened my eyes, finally, to see the two rolling around on the ground and throwing fists here and there. I immediately jump up and grab my wand before using a spell to part the two idiots and immediately stood between them so that they wouldn't begin hitting at each other again.

"What the bloody hell you two," I shouted, pushing at Draco's chest all while trying to hold Harry back with one of my hands. "Why are you two fighting?" I question and wiped my head between the two glaring gits and finally sigh when Harry decides to be the one to speak up.

"I see the way he looks at you; the way he touches you. Only I'm allowed to touch you like that Y/N, I don't want his slimy hands all over my girlfriend," Harry sneers and finally stops struggling and dust off his robes and straightened them. With a roll of my eyes I released Malfoy and turned to Harry before placing my hands on my hips.

"If you had just talked to me Harry, just stop and talk to me then you would have known that I love you. Malfoy is dating someone else for merlin's sake, they've been dating for the last several months and you would have known that if you weren't pushing me away from you and acting like a complete douche!" I could feel tears forming in my eyes and not wanting them to see me crying I picked up my books and took off running, ignoring the sounds of plead from my boyfriend and best friend.

I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore and when I furiously wiped my tears away and looked up I saw that I was standing in the middle of a room that I had never seen before. Releasing a struggling cry I slammed my books down on the nearest desktop and began to pace around the classroom as I allowed the tears to freefall from my face and splash against the dark tiled floor. Finally, not being able to hold up my emotionally and physically tired body I sunk down to my knees and wrapped my arms around my torso before sobbing by myself like I did most nights.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I was too tired to struggle so I allowed whoever it was to pull me to their chest and hold me against their chest. Through my tear streaked face I could make out the person's dark brown hair, bright green eyes and framed glasses, finally piecing together who it was the tears just came harder and my body shook more. "Shh, y/n I'm so sorry. I just saw how good you and Malfoy got along and I thought that maybe if I pulled away from our relationship you would realize that you deserved better than me, that you deserved someone who didn't have a target on their head every day."

I threw my arms around the chosen one and pulled him closer to me and just held him while he mumbled out apologies after apologies and how much he loved me. I wiped my tears away until I could see clearly and then pulled away from the dark haired boy and gave him a small smile before frowning, "did you really mean all of what you said?"

He nodded his head quickly and I smiled before chewing on my bottom lip as a nervous habit. I eased myself away from Harry's arms and went over to a window that had a perfect view of the courtyard below and I could see Ron and Hermione studying on a bench near the fountain. They had their own relationship troubles but no matter how much they argued they never let it get to their relationship and that was probably the main reason why they were still strong after four years, even when they were two completely different people.

"Next time Harry just come to me and tell me how you feel," I mumble and wiped around to see him walking to me slowly. When he was merely inches away I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and over his scar before I reached up and gave him a small kiss. "No more being a jealous idiot, okay?" I questioned when we pull away and with the tint of pink on his cheeks he nodded and leaned down to press his lips against mine once more.

"I promise," he mumbled

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