Fred Weasley Imagine

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"Ronald Weasley, I am warning you" You huffed with your face flustered as you all sat in a group.

"What? It's the truth" George snickered nudging you in the side knowingly while nodding towards your boyfriend Fred who was gazing at you lovingly with a ghost of a smile on his lips as he stood next to his mother, causing your blush to worsen as you immediately turned your head away.

"Come on now boys, stop teasing our (Y/n) so much" Arthur sympathetically smiled, entering the living room where you all sat.

"Dad's right. Gotta save some for Fred to do" he whispered the last line, which only Ginny, you and Ron heard making them burst out laughing and you smacking George with such force, it made him fall and your face beet red. "George!" You yelled, taking deep breaths to calm your flushed self.

"Now what was that about?" Arthur spoke with a small smile playing on his lips and curiosity dancing in his eyes as he came closer.

"N-Nothing! Nothing you should worry about" You tried to smile despite your disheveled condition thanks to the boys.

He smiled and lovingly patted your head before sitting down next to Ron and just like that the talk about the ministry started with you giving your own view points in between that matched very well with everyone else's, satisfying them even more. They absolutely adored your company and how well you fit in and understood them all.

In between the conversations your eyes kept locking with Fred who kept you nailed under his gaze while talking to his mother in the kitchen.

You excused yourself to go to the bathroom, passing from behind the kitchen when you heard the words you had most desired to hear from Molly, saying to Fred when they thought you were out of earshot. Your heart swelled with happiness, a huge grin plastered on your face as the words kept repeating in your mind.

"She's already part of the family"

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