Oliver Wood x Reader

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Being a witch had its ups and downs. You loved Hogwarts and your friends and most of your classes. You loved being able to perform magic. You loved being in Gryffindor House and you loved the friends you'd made thus far.

However, there was one downside of being a witch: your fear of heights. That meant no broomstick for you. No flying, no Quidditch.
"Come on," Oliver begged you for the hundredth time.
"No, Oliver," you replied. There a small part of you that believed it could actually be fun, that there was no impending doom waiting for you to lose your grip on the broom and go tumbling to the ground. That part of you was quite small, however, and the rest of you preferred to remain on the ground.
"Why not?" Oliver asked. "You've seen me play Quidditch. I've never fallen off. It's so much more fun than you're making it out to be."

You conveniently chose not to mention that you attended every game Gryffindor played just so you could sit in the stands with your binoculars and watch Oliver's every move. You weren't a stalker or anything. Just a dreamy admirer.

You'd been harboring a crush on the Quidditch captain for months now, but as all his interests involved floating in the air on that stupid broom, you'd had nothing to talk about and had therefore not made any progress with your crush.

"I don't like flying," you finally admitted. That was the easier answer, at least.

Oliver stared at you . "How can you not like flying? Every witch and wizard enjoys flying!"

"I don't," you insisted, turning away from him. You didn't want to admit anything further and reveal how much of a wimp you were, so you quickly shuffled down the hallway, soon to be lost in the sea of students heading to the Great Hall for lunch. You could hear Oliver calling out your name, begging you to come back, but you ignored him.

Oliver didn't forget a single word of your conversation. He kept tracking you down; sending owls, enchanting notes, and even pulling you aside after class. You always found some excuse to ignore him, and the kicked puppy expression you received in return for crumpling up his notes broke your heart. He thought you were upset with him, that he'd ruined your friendship. You were just trying to keep him from finding out how pathetic you were, being afraid of heights. He had plenty of friends with shared interests to keep him company. He didn't need you.


He found you one day, sitting under a large tree, enjoying the shade it provided. He shuffled up to you with a confident expression and a broom in his hand. You froze in your seat when you heard his voice gently greeting you. How were you going to get out of this one?

"I want to talk to you," he stated simply.

"Oliver..." you tried to protest, finding that you'd run out of excuses.

"Just hear me out," he continued, and you could hear the desperation in his voice. Had your ignoring him really hurt him that much?

You nodded softly, allowing him to continue. He dropped down on the grass beside you, setting his broom down.

"I'm sorry if I was pushy," he began softly. "I just really like you, and I want to get to know you better. If we were flying, we'd be away from everyone else. No one would disturb us like they would if we went to the library or something. I just wanted some quality time with you."

You turned to look at him, your heart warming by his seemingly high opinion of you. "Really?"

He smiled. "Really. That's all I've been trying to do. At first, I didn't know that you didn't like flying. And now I want to know why. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying it."

You bit your lip and looked at your lap. Time to reveal your secret. "I... I'm afraid of heights."

He stared blankly at you, and you expected him to laugh in your face or run off and leave you there.

Instead his hand wrapped around your wrist and he stood, pulling you to your feet.

"Oliver?" you began, confused.

He let go of your hand and pulled out his wand, aiming it at his broom. He muttered an enchantment to make it larger; big enough for two people.

"Do you trust me?" he asked softly, taking your chin in his hand.

You looked into his warm brown eyes and nodded. "Yes."

He grinned and threw a leg over the broom, patting the space behind him. You gulped and stared at it as though it would eat you whole.

He held out a hand, looking at you with pleading eyes. After a moment, you nodded, accepting his hand and climbing on behind him. He slowly rose into the air, causing you to wrap your arms tightly around his waist. He chuckled at your reaction.

"I'm not going to let you fall," he promised, slowly rising until you were higher than the roof of the castle.

You had to admit that you didn't mind being so close to the Scottish wizard. He certainly wasn't complaining about your tight embrace.

He flew slowly, gently, making sure not to spook you. He took you through the clouds, urging you to reach out and touch one. He flew through the Quidditch goal posts, and before too long, you realized that you didn't want to be back on the ground. You wanted to stay floating through the air, with your arms around Oliver's waist, for as long as you could get away with.

He eventually lowered you back to the ground, helping you off the broom. He stood before you, his hands on your waist, smiling softly.

"Was that so bad?" he asked.

"It was wonderful," you admitted softly, your hands on his chest. He leaned down and you stood on your toes to meet him halfway. His lips brushed against yours. You pressed back with more confidence, and he sighed against your mouth. Your arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer. His arms secured around your waist.

"Can we go again?" you asked, resting your forehead on his.

He grinned. "It would be my pleasure."

All afternoon he taught you how to ride the broom and the best part is that he asked you to be his girlfriend.

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