Remus Lupin x Reader

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"Y/N !!Y/N!! Wait!!"

You hear someone call out your name. You stop talk to Y/B/F, and turn towards the familiar voice and see this guy, with untamed hairs and chocolate brown eyes, running a bit to catch up with you. You stare at him in awe for a moment, curiosity burning in your mind.

"Hey Remus, what's up?"

He holds out a your Charms book.

"Eh... I think this is yours."

You reach out to take the book from his hand, your fingers touch his and you heat up a little at the contact. You suddenly look at him and find him already gazing at you,all flushed.

You quickly glance away refusing to meet his eyes again. You had a huge crush on him since your third year but never told him how you feel. The last thing you wanted was to embarrass yourself in front of some you like especially if it's your crush.

So, you awkwardly thank him with a smile,  you look back at the book in your hand.

"Okay.. see you later in class."

You turn to leave for your Potions class. You almost enter the room when.


You turn around and Remus is standing a few steps away leaning against the wall out of breath.

Moments later, caught his breath, he walks up to you all flushed and nervous.

"I was wondering if you'd like to, eh go to hogsmeade or something this friday,with me?"

You blink several times at him trying to register this dream-come-true moment in your head.

You smile at him meeting his enchanting gaze and say,

"I'd Love to go out with you, Remus."

A|N: Sorry that I have not been updating recently, just started going back to school last year and had to focus on that. Anyways I hope you enjoy and go check out my other book Harry Potter Sister ⚡️book 1.

Question: What's your favorite Harry Potter character(s).
Answer: the Weasley twins or Hermione

Harry Potter Characters x Reader and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now