Draco Malfoy x Reader

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You'd known Draco for most of your life. You met in Diagon Alley when you were both eight years old. You were with your parents and your older brother who'd just turned eleven. They had just finished getting all of the required supplies he would need for his first year at Hogwarts, and you were currently in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor to celebrate him receiving his letter. It wasn't a surprise, of course, since you came from a pureblood family, but it was exciting nonetheless.

As you sat down at a small table inside the parlor, a sugar cone holding a scoop of (f/flavor) gripped in your hand, your gaze wandered around and caught that of a young blond boy. He seemed to be staring back at you, his own bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream suddenly forgotten when stormy grey eyes met (e/c). You weren't quite old enough to be interested in boys, but this one fascinated you. He was cute, with his pale skin and platinum hair, and he seemed nice. After asking permission from your mother, you hopped out of your chair and padded over to where he was sitting by himself.

"Hi," you greeted softly. You didn't normally introduce yourself to strangers. Your mother did that for you. "I'm (y/n)." You offered a hand.

He placed his hand in yours, filling your tummy with butterflies. "Draco Malfoy," he replied just as softly, as though he didn't speak for himself much, either.

Your eyes widened. You hadn't realized he was a Malfoy.

He caught your surprise and smiled, offering you to sit with him. You hesitantly agreed, sitting in the chair opposite him.

"Are you by yourself?" you asked sweetly.

He shook his head before turning to look at the checkout counter. "My mother's over there." He then turned back to you. "You're not old enough for Hogwarts yet. What are you doing in Diagon Alley?" (1)

"My brother just got his letter," you replied. "We're shopping for supplies."

He nodded understandingly. "You'll get your letter in a few years, won't you? Like me?"

It was your turn to nod. "My family is pureblood. There's no reason for me to not get my letter."

His eyes lit up at the word "pureblood," as though it granted you instant friendship. "We'll be first years together, I bet!"

You smiled and bit the top of your cone. "I bet."

You were both in your twenties now, having survived the Battle of Hogwarts and graduated from the school. He was now the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and you took Hagrid's place in teaching Care of Magical Creatures. You saw a lot of each other, and you were even engaged.

When you were both sixth years, you had become a couple. You'd been best friends up to that point, though you had been sorted into Ravenclaw. It put obstacles between you as far as spending time together went, but since you'd been friends before you got into Hogwarts, your sorting didn't bother him at all. He was still raised to discriminate, so it surprised everyone when he was kind to you. But he simply replied that you were different, and they left it at that.

You spent most, if not all of your free time together. You didn't have many shared classes, since the Slytherins were mostly scheduled with the Gryffindors, but you found ways to be together after classes and on the weekends. You would often sneak into each other's Houses, or spend an afternoon out in the garden or by the Black Lake. You studied together and tutored each other, and it amazed everyone how well you got along.

When school was out for the summer, you lived together. Since you were children, Narcissa loved you. Lucius was more cautious after you were sorted into not Slytherin, but he tolerated you thanks to your bloodline. So they had no issue with you and Draco buying a small house together.

Though you had been born and raised around magic, you enjoyed muggle things like restaurants and movie theaters. You thought diversity was good for purebloods, and thought that every witch and wizard should get out and try something non-magical at least once. You allowed Draco to use magic at home instead of getting off his lazy butt, but you refused to have house elves. You didn't feel that they deserved to be enslaved to grumpy wizards like Draco's father, and out of love for you, he agreed.

The two of you always went out for ice cream, whether it was at Florean's parlor or somewhere in the muggle world. It kind of became "your thing" to meet up after work or just go there for a date or an afternoon out. It reminded you of how you met, and that was a happy memory for the both of you.

Today was one such occasion. School was out, and neither of you had any worries until August when you had to plan the next year's lessons. You decided to travel to Diagon Alley and visit Florean's Ice Cream Parlor.

You both ordered the same flavors you always did – some things never changed. You sat at the table where you'd first met when you'd shyly introduced yourself. You nibbled on your ice cream and smiled sweetly at the blond sitting opposite you. A genuine smile crossed his lips as he reached out to you with a free hand, placing it atop yours. You leaned in for a sweet, ice cream-flavored kiss before gazing out the window at the setting sun.

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