George Weasley x Reader

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Warning - Smut (rough)

You was standing with your back to him, naked. He could feel that you was smiling also, in the middle of darkness. Your skin glowed while your C/H was on top of your head in a messy knot.

George approached you from behind. Skin to skin, soft against rough, pliant against hard, it felt amazing, your round cheeks on his palm and fingers. Then his warm hands wondered on your smooth thigh while he pressed his bare body to you. Merlin help him.

His cock stroked the round cheek eagerly, but you only stood still. Perhaps there was a simple knot on your eyebrows to bit down your moan. He let go your hair and breathed it deeply.

"My little beauty." Whispered him to your delicate ears.

Your ear soon covered by his hot mouth and bit by his white teeth. You shivered, but still no moan yet. It upset him as he was trying to make you scream tonight. But that did not matter; there were still plenty of times.

He could smell your wetness that he loved so much. The temptation to touch her private place was so big, but he wanted you to beg. So he stroked your chest, gave them a gentle squeeze.


"Yes, My sweet heart. Let me hear you." His voice was smooth.

Some angry marks were left on your flawless skin on your shoulders, back and neck. He was happily claiming you as his, and only his. You approved by your gasps and louder moan.

Thought you are prepared enough, he began to press lightly your inner thigh. His touches made you frustrated, as they were so close to your vagina, but had never reached it properly. He grinned evilly.

He slapped your bottom hard suddenly to make you jump and moan.

"Mmm... What do you want me to do to you, Y/N?"

"Fuck me..." Your voice trembled with want.

He chuckled, "Beg for it."
You were in silents for a moment, but he won't take it. 'Smack!' Your bottom was being slapped again, harder this time.

"F-Fuck me George! Please!"

"Hmm... good girl. But I want to play with you first."

You growled in disapproval, "I don't...Ah!"

Two fingers were deep inside you, making your body arched forward. "But I do want it, darling. And I will do it until you cum hard for me."

Your hips bucked to add the pleasure in the middle of your body, but George gripped you so hard to stay still. He inserted his fingers in and out fast and deep in order to make you even wetter and ready for his big cock.

Another long finger followed and you almost could not take it anymore. Now your glad George had held your body well or you might be collapsed to the cold floor now and then. She cried his name in pleasure.

Your release was close and he could sense it well. "Come on, come for me, Love." His encouragement made you even more excited

"Yes, yes, scream my name when you cum." He released his grips while still holding your body just to see how desperate you body bucked against his hands.

"That's it my little girl, just a little more."

"You are such a good girl,."

You cum and screamed his name as he wished before. Then suddenly his thick cock entered her wet hole. You screamed again since you was still so sensitive.

Your legs trembled and your body shook so hard, but George did not care even a bit. He pumped his penis in and out in a fast pace. Your wet entering made it easy for him to do so.

Unfortunately for him, your body gave up and almost dropped to the floor. George smirked and put her down slowly. "Too much to take, am I?"

He let your upper body touched the cold floor which made you hissed, and pulled your bottom part up to his more than ready hard penis. He slapped you once before rammed your body from behind again. The cold floor came in contact with your body and sensitive nipples roughly.

"Open for me, Y/N!"

You obeyed him with still a trembling body and you could feel his cock deepen inside you. It was so thick and long, hard and wet, it was perfect. The view of his cock, disappearing completely into your wetness made him mad and his patient slipped. You hit your second orgasm soon and George slowed his movement. His breath was heavy, but he controlled it well.

As you had gained your strength again, you bucked your hips back to him. He moaned as the signal that you had pleased him well. "Touch your self," He grunted. Once again, you obeyed and started to touch your own clit fast, in the same rhythm as George's quick screwing.

"You feel so good, sweetness." He licked his lips.

Then suddenly you lost contact with the cold floor, at least most of parts of your body. George had pulled your hair and head up and made you back arched. In this wicked angle, he hit your spot easily.

"George!," You began to scream, "Again! Harder!"

He smirked and hammered you deep, fast and hard again only to make you rolled your eyes in unbearable enjoyment. Soon the room was filled with hotness from both of your body's , and the silent were only disturbed by both of your hard moan, the sound when their hips slapped together and the squeeze of wetness.

"Fuck! I'm going to cum!"

"Yes! YES! Oh Merlin! George!"

Your vagina gave George's cock a good pressure, which allows him to lose control. He rolled his eyes but did not stop rammed your body when he came he screamed your name. He gave you several long, deep, hard trusts, which you only could accept with strangled moans for each of it, before he collapsed.

He rolled his body to the floor, next to your limb body.

"Good God Y/N, that was awesome."

You grinned big, "We should do this more often."



I hope you enjoy that! Sorry I haven't been updated in a long time, school got me busy😒. Anyway what other characters do you want to read, just comment!

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