George Weasley x Reader

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You snuck out of class early, and ran down to the corridor by the Gryffindor common room.

You quickly whipped things out of your back and rigged a stone by the portrait hole. Within minutes you where done.

You pushed your glasses up, and smiled at it triumphantly.

George Weasley had started a prank war with you.

Silly boy, didn't he know that you always win? You quickly fit the stone back over the rigging and stepped back into the shadows. If you did it right, it would only trigger if George Weasley stepped onto it. If she was wrong... somebody was going to be rather freaked out.

You stood there silently, as Fred and George walked up. You are one of the few people that could tell them apart.

You internally noticed that George, who was walking straight towards her trap, was looking rather handsome today.

You blushed slightly at the thought of it.

"Georgie I think I'm going to the library. Meeting up with Angelina. If you don't want her, then I'll take her out for a nice date to Hogsmead!" George smiled at his brother.

"Go ahead Freddie; you know what girl I have my eyes on!" Fred smiled at his brother, turned on his heel, and as gone.

George stopped to watch his brother go. When he turned you started counting the steps until he got to the trap. 5 steps. 4 steps. 3 steps. 2 steps. 1 step. And SNAP!

George Weasley was now hanging upside down by his ankles.

For a moment he looked confused, but when you burst into a fit of giggles he understood.

"Really Y/N? I think this went a little further than I did when I charmed your hair to be pink and polka-dotty." George said

"No, I think this is perfect." You could barely make out the words through her giggles.

George smiled at you. "Okay, you got me. Will you let me down now?"

You pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm..." George grinned.

"Ohh please Y/N?" You just smiled at George.

"First, you have to say Y/N is the bestest prankster ever, and she is so much better than me." George rolled his eyes, still smiling.

"Y/N Is the bestest prankster ever, and she is so much better than me." You smiled, and walked over to help George down.

You let him down, but the moment he was down he picked you up and ran down the hall laughing.

You screamed and hit his back. "Agh! George! You're going to drop me!"

George stopped and sat you down on a bench.

He took your face in his warm hands, and pushed your Y/C/H out of your eyes.

"Y/N I would never drop you, and I will never let you go. I love you!" George leaned down and kissed you softly. "I love you too Georgie!"

Harry Potter Characters x Reader and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now