Charlie Weasley x Reader

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A|N: Your Draco Malfoy's older sister and dating Charlie Weasley.


Your Pov:
"They're going to hate me." You told Charlie as you looked at the welcoming house with a nervous look.

"No they won't." Charlie grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the house. "They will love you."

"Your dad and my dad hate each other." You reminded "our family's are basically enemy's."

"Relax, will you." Charlie chuckled as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.  "If things go out of hand, we'll leave."

"Then can we leave no-"

"Charlie." The door to the Burrow opens and Charlie parents walking out with a big smile.

"You're home! And you brought Y/n!" Arthur said as he gave his son a hug.

"They know my name?" You whispered looking at Charlie in confusion.

"Charlie has told us so much about you." Molly said pulling you into a warming hug. "It's so nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs.Weasley."

"Please, call me Molly."

You realized it wasn't bad.

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