Viktor Krum x Reader

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For: @goalie_heart


You and your boyfriend of two years, Viktor krum sitting in the (house) common room watching a movie.

"Hey love, it's time for dinner let's go to the Great Hall?" Viktor asked.

You look at the time. "yea." You said.

You rarely see him since you both go to different school.

Thank Merlin for the Triwizard tournament.

You both got up an start walking towards the Great Hall. As you walk to your (house's) table. You saw your best friend Harry.

"Hey Harry, how's it going?"

Since his name got pick for the cup he's been having a it hard.

"Hello Y/N, I'm doing okay. What about you?" He asked.

"I'm doing good." You smiled

All though out dinner you and Harry were talking and Viktor was getting annoyed.

After you all finished dinner, you got up with Viktor and begin to walk to the astronomy tower.

You looked a Viktor and he look kinda mad and annoyed. You stop walking.

"What's wrong?" You asked looking up into his eyes.

"Nothing." He grunts

"Are you sure?"

" I don't like the look Harry gives you."

"What look?" You asked

"He gives you a loving look, like the one I look at you with."

"Are you jealous" you giggle

"What, no!" He denied

"Yea you are, and don't worry. Me and Harry have been friends since our first year, he's like a brother to me. I love you Viktor and only you." You kissed him

"I love you too" he mumbled kissing you back.

A|N: sorry if this was crappie. I'm kinda stress out since I'm going back to school soon and need to get every ready. But I hope you enjoy ! Go cheak out my other book harry potter's sister book 1! - J.T.

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