Draco Malfoy x Reader

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It was in his eyes.
You couldn't recognise who was this person in front of you. His pale hands slid into yours, intertwining his fingers. Those grey eyes you looked into had no sign of your Draco Malfoy that he once was when he introduced himself to you on your first year of Hogwarts, the one that asked you to dance with at the Yule Ball and the one you shared your first kiss with at the end of fifth year. Sure he was cruel, selfish and spoiled, but deep down he cared and would do anything to protect you...

You weren't so sure anymore if he still loved you. He seemed so distant that he no longer has time for you and have only small time to share your affections with...which happened to be so small. You had lost the one you loved. And it was breaking you.

White snow covered the Hogwarts grounds, its crisp ice layering and hiding the nature beauty within. It looked much colder than the Slytherin common room, where every student huddled as close to the fire as possible. Sitting by the window, you stared at the snow as it fell. There wasn't much laughter in the dungeons, just whispers and mutterings of all the Snakes complaining about the cold. They don't know about the coldness of your heart, you thought to yourself. The dungeon door opened, interrupting your thinking and turned to see Draco walking with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy behind him...well, Pansy was just clinging to his arm. A sort of ache burned in your heart when you saw the smile on Pansy's ugly face, her green eyes staring into Draco's grey ones. Gathering your courage, you got up and headed towards him.

"Draco, hi. Can we-"

He kept walking. Straight past you. As if you were nothing, but a ghost. Another ache burned in your heart, but it was more painful than the first.

Draco was dealing with a lot of pent up emotion and stress. He had been placed as Voldemort's assassin to kill Dumbledore and wanted to make his parents proud. Although he had to sacrifice the one thing that meant to him, You.

Knowing your disgust for Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, he did not want to risk you finding out about the plan nor you being involved in it. He had felt only a small amount of guilt when he had walked past you. The look on your face of hurt and heartbreak gave Draco the urge to push Pansy off and hold you in his arms, no matter if the first years gave you weird looks or if the seventh years teased him. He only needed you to be happy. But he knows he isn't providing it for you.

Within each day, your heart was just breaking. Draco now never talked to you, nor go near you or even sat next to you in Potions. Slughorn never took notice of the switching seating arrangements

"Remember students, who you stand next to shall be for the rest of the year!" Said Slughorn and carried on with his work, merrily humming to himself.

Stirring your potion as it turned an acid green, you lost focus as you continued to stir the mixture.
Stupid, Malfoy. Why isn't he talking to me?

He promised at least a month ago that we can talk. He lied! How could he when I know every time he would always KEEP his promises, not BREAK them. You stirred a bit rougher and your vision blurred. A tear slid into your potion, turning the liquid into a dark blue. Fizzling was heard from the bottom of your cauldron and then you saw nothing.

"The gas was on too high. She should be just fine. Luckily, she just fainted before the explosion erupted."

"But Madam Pomfrey, I-"

"Get back to class, Malfoy or else you can help me wash the bed pans"

"...No thank you. Just please...watch over her. I beg of you"

"I will . Off you go"

Three visitors came in - Harry, Hermione and Ron. Groggily, you sat up and almost swatted Hermione's hand away when she was about to fix your pillows.

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