Neville Longbottom x Reader

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You let out a sigh as you packed up your things in the Herbology room. It was your last class for the day, and you were more than ready for a break. It was no secret that Herbology wasn't your best subject.

You dreaded the period throughout the entire day. It was a fun class, but you could never remember anything when it came time for the test. Your plants were growing healthily and everything was in order, but you always got terminology mixed up, so your test scores were lacking.

As you slung your messenger bag over your shoulder, a gentle voice called your name. You turned to see your longtime friend and secret crush, Neville Longbottom, smiling towards you. You returned the smile with a small nod, standing in place and waiting for him to catch up.

"How'd you do on the test?" he asked as you walked out of the room.

"Awful, I'm sure," you replied with another sigh.

"I'm sure it wasn't too bad," he reasoned, enjoying the rare quietness of the halls. Most students were in the library or in their dorms, so you got to enjoy a few moments alone with the brunette.

"I'm never going to get better," you countered.

"What if I help?" he offered. "We could study together. I could give you a few tips on how to keep it all straight in your head. It could be like a study date."

You failed to notice the blush on his cheeks as you tilted your head. "A study date, huh?"

He nodded bashfully. "Or just, you know... a date."

It was your turn to blush as you looked down at your shoes. "That sounds nice."

He beamed. "Tomorrow then? Lunchtime? By the Black Lake?"

You nodded. "I look forward to it."

You parted ways when you got to your dorm. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled softly. You nodded and waited until he walked away to slink into your room with a grin on your lips.

The next day, you were bouncing on your feet. It was getting colder outside, so you wore a f/c sweater with jeans and boots. Your hair was braided to keep it out of your face.

You made your way outside with your notebook pressed against your chest. You made sure to bring your test scores along with your notes, hoping the adorable brunette would be able to help you study.

You smiled when you saw that he was already sitting in the field by the Black Lake. He'd laid a blanket out on the grass to make it more comfortable for you. When you approached, you saw a basket on the blanket beside Neville.

"Hey," you greeted softly. He turned and smiled, patting the empty space on the blanket. You sat down beside him, looking around at the peaceful atmosphere. "What's with the basket?"

"Lunch," he replied. He opened it to reveal a colorful array of drinks and snacks. A bottle of sparkling pumpkin juice was pulled out along with a couple of glasses. Small cutely packaged bags full of unnamed treats littered the edge of the basket. A couple of sandwiches with your favorite fixings were wrapped in napkins to keep them fresh.

"What are these?" you asked, picking up a new treat that was wrapped in a shiny purple bag.

"Candies," he replied.

You held it up to your nose, discovering that it smelled amazing. "Homemade?"

He smiled and nodded. "My gran's recipe."

"You made these... for me?" you asked softly.

He nodded again. "I thought you might like them."

You looked around at the rest of the things he'd brought. "Did you know all of these were my favorites or is it just a coincidence?"

"I knew," he blushed. "You've told me before."

"You remember things like that?"

"I remember everything you tell me."

You smiled shyly at him, picking up a sandwich. You offered the brunette your notes while you bit into the sandwich.

He compared your notes to your test scores with a confused expression. "Your notes are perfect, but your test scores are the complete opposite."

You nodded, embarrassed. "My mind completely blanks when the test starts."

He scooted closer, your legs brushing against one another's. "You could try copying your notes again. Sometimes the act of writing it down multiple times helps it stick in your mind. Just relax when you have a test and you'll be fine. Stress makes people forget their notes."

"Thanks," you replied. "I'll try that."

The rest of the date went smoothly, and Neville was excited to see you enjoying his homemade snacks.

You spent hours with Neville by the Black Lake. Before you knew it, it was dark, and you would have to return to your dorms. You stood reluctantly, wanting nothing more than to spend the night in his arms.

"Today was amazing," he stated with a smile, wrapping an arm around your waist. You leaned into his side with a smile.

"Yes, it was," you agreed. "So do you think that was more study or more date?"

He chuckled. "I like to think it was more date."

"So do I," you replied with a nod. His hand slipped from your waist, his knuckles knocking against yours. You walked closer, waiting for him to make a move. He grasped your hand and laced your fingers, squeezing your hand.

When you reached your dorm, you turned and looked up at him. He still held your hands in his, smiling softly at you.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked quietly.

You smiled and nodded. "Absolutely."

He grinned before leaning in, gently pecking your lips. He then rested his forehead against yours. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," you returned, smiling as you watched him walk back to his dorm.

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