Bill Weasly x Reader

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It was a quiet night at the Burrow. It was Christmas time, and everyone was sitting in the living room, listening to the radio, and just chatting among themselves. You stood in the corner with Hermione, discussing the latest book you had just read. Of course, Hermione had read it already, but she had wanted to hear what you had to say about it. As Hermione talked, you couldn't help but glance across the room, at Bill Weasley, who was standing on the other side of the room, talking to his father. Bill caught your eye, and he couldn't help but smile. You could feel yourself go a little red and quickly looked away. You placed your mug to your lips, ready for the warm liquid to run into your mouth, but nothing came. You looked down at your mug and saw that it was empty and let out a small sigh.

"Sorry Hermione. Could you excuse me? I'm out of hot cocoa." You said. Hermione nodded her head, looking a little disappointed. You gave her a small smile as you stepped aside and headed towards the kitchen. Bill noticed you slipping away and he knew this was his time to get you alone. Apologizing to his father, he followed you into the kitchen.
You stood at the kitchen sink, filling the kettle up. You looked outside the window and noticed that it was a rather clear sky. It had been another successful Christmas at the Weasley's, but it made you miss your family dearly. Ever since You-Know-Who had returned, your family had to go into hiding, hoping that his death eaters wouldn't find them. You had not been able to contact them in months. As you looked out the window, you jumped a little seeing Bill's reflection in the window. You quickly turned around, her heart racing because of the fright.

"You need to announce yourself before you enter a room." You commented, as you let out a small sigh of relief. Bill smiled at you, as he walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. He leaned forwards and planted a small kiss on your lips. You melted into his arms at his touch, and hungered for more. "Wait." You said, as you broke the kiss. "What if someone walks in? What if your mother walks in?" you asked, as he started to kiss your neck. Bill stopped kissing, and gave you a little smirk. You didn't exactly like where this was going, but it had felt like a while since they had been alone together.

Without saying a word, Bill picked you up around the waist, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to the counter, kissing your lips as he did. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. It had been a couple of days since they had last been this intimate as they were never alone. You kissed his lips, hungry for more. If only the two of you were alone in a bedroom. You could feel him getting harder and harder with every kiss.
"Don't worry, Ronald. I'll get some more!" you suddenly heard Mrs Weasley call out. She sounded like she was heading into the kitchen. You quickly pushed Bill away, jumping off the kitchen bench. Bill ran his fingers through his hair, and quickly walked over to the pantry, opening it up, making it look like he was doing something productive. Only a few seconds later. Mrs Weasley walked into the kitchen, and stopped in the doorway. She glanced from you and Bill and raised an eyebrow, but carried on walking into the kitchen.

"I'm really glad you could make it this Christmas." Mrs Weasley said, as she walked over to you, and pulled you into a hug. She knew how much of a hard time you had been having with your parents and everything, and she was also glad that Bill had come to his senses about wanting to settle down with someone. You hugged Mrs Weasley back, grateful to have a future mother-in-law like her. Especially since she was like a mother to you.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley. And thank you for inviting me into your home. I still cannot believe Bill did not bring me here sooner." You commented, looking over to Bill and glaring at your soon to be husband. Bill glanced at the two of you and just gave you an innocent look. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh as you turned back to Mrs Weasley.
"Yes well, it's not much, but you're welcome here any time." Mrs Weasley said, as she kissed you on the cheek. She walked over to the pantry, grabbed the container of homemade biscuits and headed out of the room. You looked over to Bill and gave him a small smile. Bill walked over to you, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You had been best friends with Bill since you started Hogwarts and it hadn't been until your 6th year that he had realized that you were the one for him. You had been over the moon when he had asked you to be his girlfriend, and even happier when he asked you to marry him. You had only wished that your parents could be here to be happy with you.

"Hey, all this will be over soon enough, and then your parents can come out of hiding. We won't get married until they're with us. I promise." He commented, and you smiled and nuzzled your face into his chest. You could hear his heart beating rather quickly, and it made you smile even more. If you had it your way, you would have married him already, but Bill wanted everyone to be there, and you knew you wanted that too.

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