Newt Scamader X Reader

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Newt was back on the streets of London. After resting quite a bit and trying to lay low in case news of his adventures in America caught up to him, he was back doing what he did best - chasing his Niffler pell-mell through the streets of London in the dead of night.

He was trying to remain inconspicuous, but the looks that the few muggles on the streets were shooting at him was telling him that wasn't possible. So he picked up the pace, whistling and calling out.

"Come on," he whispered to himself, "you've got to be around here somewhere."

He crouched down when he saw something shiny on the ground. It was a coin, beyond which were a few more coins scattered about in a sort of trail. Excited, he sprinted around the corner, his eyes lit up and coat billowing behind him.

"There you are, you little - oomph!"

He'd crashed into something, falling to the ground on top of something soft. His case was knocked out of his hands, his coat flew up over his head, and he grabbed whatever it was in front of him as tight as he could. When he opened his eyes, they were met by another's. They weren't a spectacularly unique color or anything, but they held a soft sparkle that, when illuminated by the nearby shop's light, seemed to look like starlight.

"Oh, I- I'm so- so sorry!" He exclaimed, jumping off of the woman he'd landed on and offering a hand out to her.

"I-I'm Newt. Newt Scamander."

She took his hand, letting him help her up off of the pavement. After brushing herself off, she smiled up at him.

"Hello Newt, Newt Scamader. I'm Y/n."

Newt smiled a small, crooked grin as he looked into her eyes. He watched as she leaned down to retrieve something.
She held his case, her brow furrowing as she read the words 'muggle worthy' imprinted on a keyhole near one of the latches. She nearly gasped in realization. He was a wizard. She smiled to herself.

"Your case, Mr. Scamader?" She held it out for him to take.

"Please, call me Newt." He took the case, inspecting the latches before holding it by his side.

He smiled at her again, the same lopsided grin and sparkling eyes taking her breath away, before he snapped out of whatever daze she'd put him in and leaped away.

"Oh! Oh my- I nearly forgot!" He mumbled to himself. He turned to the woman once again.

"I lost my- my d-dog. He's s-small, resembles a - a platypus? Of sorts, and- and - well, have you seen a dog around here?" Newt managed to stutter out.

The woman laughed a bell-like laugh.

"A dog that resembles a platypus? Why no, I can't say I have."

Newt began to turn away.

"Oh. Well, thank you, and I'm so so sorry, again, for bumping into you, and I-″

She cut him off.

"I am, however, looking for a Niffler that stole my bracelet. Perhaps he's yours?"

Newt stood, mouth open and eyes wide.

"I have a few of my own as well," She smiled at him, They're obnoxious, aren't they? I'd put a location spell on yours, if I were you. He's a tricky one."

"I-I would, if - if he'd be in one p-place long enough for me to c-cast one." He responded, a confused and shocked look still on his face.

"What, never seen a female wizard before?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with humor.

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