Chapter 4: flash back

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"Are you ready flower" Scorpius called lovingly to his girl friend who came out with stiletto heels and a black thigh length strapless dress with magically charmed shimmering diamonds on the chest. "I am but I don't see why we can't just stay here and enjoy your birthday at the flat."

They bought a flat together two years ago seeing how it was Scorpius first year of Auror and Lilly's completion of her last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Because we stay with each other alone every year." Lily raised on eyebrow and said in an annoyed tone, "And that's not good enough for you?"

Scor walked over to her and grabbed her waist putting his head on her turned shoulder. "Of course it is Lil, but then how else would I get to show you off?" He said in an apologetic tone. "Nice save." She said smiling as she turned to face him and placed a deep kiss upon her loves lips.

As the embraced deepened intensely, Scorpius pulled away and as they were gasping for air he said in a low playful threat "Much more of that and I'll have to drag you away to bed with no hopes if going out." Lily snickered and said, "Maybe that's what I wanted" as she leaned in and attempted to kiss her blonde-boy again but his finger pressed against her lips still holding waist with his other hand.

He said in a partially irritated, but nevertheless loving voice "Come along now Ms.Potter" and on that note, he apparated them to a wizard bar in Hogsmeade. It was a lively place that contradicted the personality of every Malfoy except Scorpius. He had the blood of a Hufflepuff despite continuing the line of Slytherin men.

A few hours later since entering the party set up for Scor, everyone was promptly drunk and Lily couldn't remember a thing until meeting the dark brown eyes of Brian Finnigan. He gesture for her to meet him outside and she followed while telling Scorpius she was going to the loo.

Knowing that Finnigan had a major infatuation with her, she was hesitant at first but the alcohol that coursed through her veins took over. She followed him out to the cold snowy street, "What do you want Bri" a name she called him since they were little.

His personality completely changed and his eyes were more brown than the green they usually are. He looked slightly more drunk than everyone else from what Lily could tell. He began to walk towards her slowly as she got a nervous feeling "I'm gonna go inside if your'e not going to say anything" she said in a shaky sassy tone. "Oh I will be saying, and DOING everything" he spoke in a deep Scottish voice accenting the word 'doing'.

Lily began to yell for Scorpius, but Brian stopped her with a body binding curse. Along with one of the three unforgivable curses. "Imperio" the Scottish tongue had declared. With the ropes in all the areas she was injured, Brian began to zip down his pants and used a charm to keep her silent.

As he enter her, Lily began to cry and struggle. She then heard an angry yet scared manly voice yell her name. She passed out and as she thought about it she realized it was Scorpius.


So ya that just happened. If this came as a surprise to you then I'm shocked. It was hinted enough. I hoped you enjoyed it minus the dark background of this chapter.

Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now