Chapter 9- letters

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I had a lot more time then I thought I would so here is the next chapter. Enjoy.

He sat with his back on the head board of their bed and she was in his lapses they ate and watched 'Gone With the Wind'. When they were done, Lily reached for the remote and turned off the T.V.. She muttered an enchantment her grandmother, Molly Weasley, taught her and the dishes went to the sink and cleaned themselves.

Just then an owl flew in through their window and a blue letter with light blue ribbon fell into the laps of the couple and the owl sat on the window sill. The envelope read;

'St Mungo's Hospital for

Magical Maladies and Injuries

Addressed to Lily Luna Potter


Scorpius Malfoy'

Knowing what the enveloped contain neither one of them dared to touch it until the large, grey,screech owl, with beady black eyes made a loud 'screech' and made the two jump. Scorpius picked it up and Lily adjusted so she too could read it. It read;

'Ms. Lily Luna Potter, you are to repot to St.Mungos Wizarding Hospital for a scan to determine your -------.

(the blank was enchanted to only let the reader see)

In three months.

If Mr. Scorpius Draco Malfoy would wish to attended with the consent of Ms.Potter and anyone else who she wishes. Please reply if this time will work for you.

Hope you are well,

Dr. Patil'

Lily looked at Scorpius and went to the table in the corner and wrote two separate letters. One addressed to St.Mungo's;

'Three months is fine, see you then. I shall be accompanied by Mr. Scorpius Draco Hyperion Malfoy and Louis Aurthor Weasley.

Lily Luna Potter'

And the other addressed to her gay, french, part veela cousin and best friend, Louis. Son of Flure and Bill Weasley;

'My dearest Lou,

The past few days have been very hard and in this letter I enclose why, it is charmed so only you can see it so don't show it to anyone. Not even Justin, although I'm positive it will be in the Profit or the Rita Skeeter bitch will have an article all about it. If you could spare some time with me and Scorpius in about 3 months at St.Mungos. I would highly appreciate it.

(The rest of the letter was filled with every thing that mad happened in the past few days)

Truly Missing You

Your Lily Bud'

After she fished writing she attached one letter to the Grey Screech owl and then called down her own snowy white owl with brown spots and attached the letter to Louis. The owls took off and parted they're ways to the recipients as she moved from the window. Lily sat back down where her fiancé hadn't moved but was reading the latest Daily Profit. He tossed it to the side and noticed his beloveds hands on her stomach.

He placed his on top of her and put his head on her shoulder. "Flower, you don't even know for sure. I don't think it's a good idea to stress out when you just got released from Mungos." Lily sighed and reluctantly agreed with him. She began to speak silently but with anger "I don't want anything to do with that arse. Especially if he killed our baby."

The words 'our baby' sunk into Malfoy and he hugged her tightly. "Nor do I. not even a life long sentence in Azkaban, death, or a Dementors Kiss is enough punishment." Lily faced Malfoy at his words. "Scor? Do you want one? A family that is." As soon as she said this Scorpius' face lit up. "Of course, especially with you my darling. It's been my dream ever since we met at Hogwarts. And now that our relationship is so strong I want it even more."

This made Lily smile but she looked upset. She opened her mouth, but before she said anything Malfoy spoke "I completely understand if you want to wait though, I swear I won't try anything or bring up a family until your ready. I'm never making you do anything you don't want to again. I promise.". He had read her every thought. Except for one.

"Please don't think that what happened is your fault my dragon.". Lily held him tightly and he returned the embrace. "In time." he muttered and he later them down to sleep.


I know this chapter was 'bipolar' you could say. (No offense to anyone), but if you noticed it's still adding up. Please feel free to Vote and/or comment your questions. <3

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