Chapter 11

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Vulgar language used

They woke up early on the court day and Lily's father came by to take her and Scorpius to the Ministry of Magic. Scorpius was already dressed and talking to his soon to be father-in-law. Lily was in the bedroom getting ready. She put on grey work pants, and a frilly, cream, button up, collard, blouse with a grey teal pull over. She wanted a little color, but still plain and boring to avoid Brian Finnagins negative dirty mind.

He had seen enough of her for her comfort and felt sick. Suddenly there was a knock at the door "Are you ready Lils? We're running late." Harry Potter called to his daughter. She answered in a tone that suggested she was happy but her face said otherwise.

"Ya dad, give me one second. She faked a smile and walked into the kitchen to find her fiancé in robes along with her dad. She walked over to him and commented on his attire. "You look spiffy." He smiled and said "your not to bad your self, it's the ministry so I have to wear my work clothes." Changing the subject he looked around and said "Where's Louis, didn't he say he wanted to 'accompany' us?" Harry answered him quickly. "He and Collen are already there we have to go now. I want the sick bastard in Azkaban.".

Lily's bones shuttered and Scorpius held her tight and nodded. The three disapparated to the Ministry and Harry pointed towards the right of the great room with green fires carrying wizards using Floo Transportation and toilet chambers for those who wish to 'flush' them selfs in. They started to walk, but Lily wouldn't move. She had lost the fire in her eyes and her skin was pale. She was looking in the direction of a man her age who sent her into lock down.

He stared back at her with a smile that would send chills down your back. He was in magical bounds at the wrist and when he stopped to stare at Lily his bounder stopped and caused more to suddenly stop causing a commotion that got the eye of Scorpius.

The Malfoy boy quickly went to her and stood in front of her, earning the attention of the smiling Brian Finnigan. Brian began to loose his smile and began to walk again when he felt a push to his back. Lily dug her head into Scorpius back and he turned so it rested on his chest and he began to speak. "Are you sure your ready to do this Flower?"

She looked up at him and he brushed the single tear off her eye. "More than ever. I want this behind us never to talk about it again.".

Scorpius nodded and he gestured towards a elevator that went down, up, left, and right. Harry was about to board it and Scorpius called out for him to hold it as he and Lily walked down to it. After a few drop offs the elevator finally chimed "Department for Enforcing Magical Law" while the doors opened and shook.

The three stepped out and walked down a long hallway into a bustling court room where they're lay one chair in the middle for Lily along with a glass cell with a man chained to the bottom of it that was charmed silent, right next to the Minister of Magic's desk. He was only called upon as judge when the consequences at stake are so severe.

Lily was rushed by Louis with Collen following behind as they told her that everything would be fine and they couldn't wait for Finnigan to get what he deserves. She simply smiled and nodded then departed to her seat when the Minister instructed her too while placing a kiss on her soon to be husband's usually warm, but now pale and cold lips.

She starred into his grey and stormy blue eyes with a look that practically said 'It will be fine. We will get through this'. As soon as she sat the session began and the room went silent. The Minister held his wand to his throat and his voice boomed over the large room. "The charges against the defendant, Brian Ronald Finnigan, are the following;

attempted rape, first degree

Rape,first degree, circumstantial

And use of the Impeariartis Curse as of 1:27 a.m. On October 31st of this year, first degree. How do you plead?"

The word 'circumstantial' heated the blood if Lily. She turned slightly to see Scorpius and found he looked as angry as she probably was right then. The words of Brian Finnigan came and she turned back around. "Guilty of attempted rape and rape. Clear of the Impeariartis curse.". At this Lily's entire body stung with pain.

She clenched tightly at the chair she was in and just as she was about to get up. The Ministers voiced once again boomed over the court room that was now bickering. His voice silenced them as before and turned to Lily. "Lily Luna Potter, do you fine the defense's statement correct?" Lily closed her eyes and said in an angered voice "No I do not the Impearisrtus curse was used on myself as the 'defendant'....." She paused and battled a tear, "raped me."

The Minister shot back quickly but maintaining his cool. "So he did infact rape you and the Impearisrtus curse was used on your self by Brian Ronald Finniagn?" She simply shook her head yes and then what happened next shocked the room as Brian spoke loudly. Clearly the silencing charm had warned off.

"You forget to mention that little Cruciatus my dear 'flow-er'.". This sent Scorpius' anger through the top and he shot up out of his chair. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT. YOU SICK DISGUSTING BASTARD! I only used it to save Lily's life and out of anger.". Brian shot back a rebuttal, "Save her life? I reckon she was enjoying it"

Scorpius took his wand out and as soon as he did the minister took his own out and spoke "Accio" and the wand went to the minister. He then turned to the glass chamber and flicked his wand at it. The chair vanished and Brian's chains dragged to the floor. He then spoke once more. "This matter has been handled and taken care of." He now turned his attention to Lily. "Ms.Potter, come here. I'm now going to extract a memory if that is alright with you." She nodded and got up.

The Minister touched the tip of his wand with her head and extracted a thin silvery substance, as a dish flew out into the middle of the room. He flicked the sliver strand into the dish and the room turned into the cold night that she was so found of but now hated. The room saw glimpse of the night but thankfully nothing too revealing. The scene ended and the minister spoke. "How does the jury find the defendant?".

A tall woman dressed in all pink robes and brown curly bobbed hair, apposed to the rest of the witches and wizards in red robes, stood up and spoke in a squeaky eerie voice. "We the jury find the defendant, Brian Ronald Finnigan guilty of all charges and the attempted murder of the plaintive Lily Luna Potter. First degree."

Lily noticed that the woman in pink was starring at her father in an almost apologetic fashion. She looked at her father who was staring back at the woman and he nodded. The minister took a gavel and banged it after the words. "Sentencing of Brian Ronald Finnigan will be a life time in Azkaban prison along with The Dementors Kiss in one week. Court adjourned.


So this is the end of Finnigan.... Or is it. You'll have to read and find out. Oh and if you noticed that the pinkness of the jury member rang a bell, you were right. Lady's and Gentleman I give you back.... UMBRIDGE (all rights to J.K. Rowling). Yes I know most of us wanted her dead more than Voldy, but I felt that even horrid bitches deserve a break. <3 you guys thanks for reading

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