Chapter 17- St.Mungos

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-please read the Authors Note from last chapter

She was just about to inquire on what her fiancé had to do with their lunch when Claire came back. "Okie Dokey, your food is ready and will appear at any minute, let me know if you need anything okay?" "Alright, thanks Claire Bear.". Claire smiled at her childhood name and walked off. "Now, what about Scor?" Lily asked when Claire was far enough away. He grabbed her hand and opened his mouth to answer but he was cut off my a horrid screech coming from the front of the restaurant.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!". There arose puffs of black and white smoke as witches and wizards disapperated out of the establishment and figures in dark hoods and white skull like mask appeared around them. Dubanne quickly grabbed Lily and there things then ran into the kitchen. "Claire, Lorcan, Lysander. Come on, death eaters are attacking. Grab hold of me and come on. The rest of you, get out, quickly!" "Dubanne, what are you talk-"

Claire was cut off as a cloaked figure burst into the room and pointed their wand at her, "Crucio.". The voice was cold and high pitched, it seemed as if venom dripped from it. Then faster than anyone could comprehend, Dubanne grabbed them from the room and disapperated as the figure was continuously torturing Claire. They landed with a thud inside Zabini Manor, Lily looked over at her friend lying on the ground as Lysander was crouching beside her grasping her hand and stroking her face.

Lorcan quickly got up and rushed to his brother and practically sisters side. Lily too got up, but as soon as she did she regretted it. Her stomach clinched and felt tight and she was unable to move. Dubanne noticed this and moved her to a chair and ordered Lorcan to get Lily water and he would take Claire to St.Mungo's. He obeyed and dashed from the room.

Lily tried to get up to get to Claire, but Dubanne made her sit down. "Lils, you need to sit, your hurt and I'm getting you both to St.Mungo's.". She nodded and held her stomach as Lysander scooped Claire in his arms, "You get Lily, I'm not letting Claire out of my sight." Dubanne nodded and Lysander left as Lorcan came in with the water. "Here Lil, you need to drink this. Mkay?" She nodded and weakly reached for the glass and drank a little, only to spit it back up. At that moment, Victoria came running down the steps with a baby in her arms.

"Banne? Lils? Lorcan? What happened, why do you look sick?" Victoria inquired. "Vic," Dubanne said running to her and their baby. "Go upstairs, Floo Scorpius and tell him to meet me, Lorcan, Lysander, Claire, and Lily at St.Mungo's.". "Claire? What does my sister have to do with this?" She asked. "She's been hurt as well as Lily. Hurry, and you might want to call your other sisters.". He lent down and kissed his sons head, the Victorias forehead. She went back up the stairs to Floo Scor and her sisters and then Dubanne picked up Lily and nodded to Lorcan to tell him it was time to go. They left and Lorcan was mere seconds away from Dubanne upon arrival.

When he got there he saw Dubbane going towards the desk and he called out. "Can we get a stretcher, she's hurt.". In a matter of seconds four healers came bounding around the corner with a stretcher that Dubanne laid Lily down on. "What happened here?" The oldest looking of the healers asked. "She and a good friend of mine were attacked by death eaters at The Flying Phoenix." Lorcan answered. Another healer piped up and asked "Claire Isabel Longbottom?" "Yea" the two boys answered in unison.

They came to a stop outside a room and one of them spoke a pass code to make the door fly open. As soon as they entered Padma Patil appeard and began examining Lily. Told the other healers a list of things she would need and they were off. As they began to reach for the door it flew in and a very flustered Scorpius came rushing in and knelt by Lily's bed. "What happened?"

His voice was surprisingly calm and this shocked everyone in the room except for Lily and Dubanne. They knew from past experience that when something bad had happened to Lily or a close friend, he wouldn't be scared or panicking. He would get mad and slowly build up a temper to find the person or thing that did them harm. "Scor" Lily tried while rubbing circles into his back. "No Lily," he returned still calm, "tell me what happened." Dubanne sighed and told Scorpius everything that happened, minus the details of him knowing about the baby and him wanting to talk about Scorpius. He also told them what Lily hadn't realized.

"When Claire was hurt, Lils went to her and the death eater attacked Lily, I don't know what spell it was because she didn't seem to feel it, until now." Padma nodded "It's Lorcan, right" she addressed to the brunet man. "Yea" he replied taking his head out of his hands. "I think you better go see miss Claire, she's in the Unforgivable Curses ward. Room 458 I believe. Dubanne would you like to accompany him?"

Dubanne caught on and rose to leave with Lorcan. When they left they went to the front for directions. A busty witch sat behind the desk and immediately picked up on the Scarmander boys good looks, she leaned into the desk and began twirling her hair. "What can I do for you, wait. I know you.... LORCAN!" "Hey Dominique," he replied with a blush rising on his cheeks. Everybody knew in his Hogwarts days Lorcan fancied the part Veela girl. "Um, I'd love to catch up, but we need to know where the Unforgivable Curses ward is." "I'd like that as well, um your gonna want to go the 5th floor and turn right after walking down the hallway for the service desk." She replied with a friendly smile.

Dubanne got Lorcan moving and turned his head to tell her thanks and she nodded and Dubanne noticed she too was blushing. They reached the service desk on the fifth floor and the witch behind the desk pointed to a room down the hall. "...452, 454, 456,458. Here it is." Lorcan called they knocked, waited for Lysander to mutter the password, entered and found a distraught Lysander holding Claire's hand and Claire being administered potions through a muggle IV. She had silent tears coming out of her clinched eyes and it looked like it was tearing Lysander apart to see her like this. "The, um, h-healers say she'll b-be fine. She's asleep now. I've never seen her like this, she usually l-looks angelic when sh-she's asleep. I'm gonna kill whoever did this." Lysander swore. Dubanne put a hand on his back and reassured him. "I had no clue you two were together, don't worry the healers will make sure she's fine. I want them dead too, but we need to remember that Claire wouldn't want her boyfriend and friends murderers and in Azkaban." Dubanne tried.

Then Lorcan spoke up. "I don't understand, I've heard rumors that death Eaters were rising, but with the end of the second war, I just couldn't believe it." "We'll there back Lorcan." Lysander snapped. Lorcan gave him a look of hurt and went to Claire's side, touching both of them. "She might be your girl friend, but she's my best friend. We're both upset about this, but can we not fight now?". Lysander sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm just scarred. Lorcan gave his brother a nod and they sat with Claire. A few minutes passed and there was a knock at the door. "Babitty Rabbity" Lysander called, "It's Claire's favorite children's story" he explained. Scorpius entered and had a look of hatred and sorrow on his face. "They moved her up here, she wanted me to check on Claire. I told her I didn't want to leave her, but she insisted. How is she?" "She'll be fine, she's sleeping now" Dubanne replied. "That's good, Dubanne could I speak with you in the hall." "Ya." he turned to the twins, "Call us if anything happens."

They nodded before Scorpius and Dubanne walked out. "I need you to tell me everything you can about the attacker." Scorpius told him as soon as the door closed. "It's good to see you too Scor" Dubanne said in a mocking tone. "I'm serious Dubanne." He snapped with a certain sharpness. "Scorpius, you need to calm down. Look at me. I know she's pregnant, I know how scarred you are for her and the baby. She's like a sister to me, but you know what stress does to you. Have you been depressed lately, tell me the truth." Dubanne came back with a fatherly tone. "I don't know what your getting at." He replied and started to walk away. "I think you do" Dubanne snapped and grabbed at Scorpius' arm.

He winced and pulled his arm away. Dubanne reached for it again and saw little marks on Scorpius' arms. "Scor, I thought this was over." Scorpius looked ashamed and Dubanne pulled down the sleeves and pulled Scorpius into a brotherly hug. "I'm not gonna tel anyone, but you need to promise you will stop." Scorpius nodded and changed the subject quickly. "I'm not going after them, but I want to make a report." "Don't worry about that I will do it when Claire and Lily are released. Right now let's go check on Lils." They began the walk down and Scorpius mumbled out the password, dragon flower, and walked in.


Happy New Years. Please read the authors note from chapter 16. And answer in the comments. I'd love the feed back. Thanks my lovely readers

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